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China's maxim of trusting in its own strength may well be the vital clue to an understanding of its foreign trade policy. In the fifties two-thirds of the Chinese foreign trade was concted with Comecon states, above all the Soviet Union. After the break with the Kremlin Peking decided on a widely diversified, multilateral policy for its foreign trade. =To make foreign things serve China" became the motto.
As a trading country the People's Republic of China is still relatively unimportant. Scoffers might say that the most populous nation on earth has the smallest number of businessmen. The total volume of China's foreign trade, imports and exports, was in 1974 an estimated DM 30 bn. Thus of the country's gross national proct in that year, which is put at DM 540 bn, only a little over 5 p.c. was represented by the Chinese for- eign trade. (For comparison: The Federal Repub- lic of Germany in 1974 had a gross national prod- uct of DM 955 bn of which DM 230.5 bn went into exports.) The 1975 figures are expected to be similar.
Ideology and Foreign Trade
The small and yet steadily growing size of China's trade with the outside world (cf. Table 1) depends on the ideological-political foundation of the mao- ist regime, and economic factors with partially ideological de- terminants.
The ideological-political sector is governed by the maxim that the foreign trade, being a part of the foreign policy, must be opposed to colonial- ism and exploitation; besides, it is to serve China as a means of gaining influence and recognition in the communist and non-communist world. As for the economic sector, it has to be said that the foreign trade is for Peking a means of raising proction and ensuring self-sufficiency in ac-cordance with the motto: "Agriculture the foun- dation -instry the leading factor". The small- ness of the Chinese foreign trade is primarily attributable to the lack of foreign exchange. Which of the two factors carries more weight in the practice of foreign trade cannot be definitely established by the outsider.
Foreign Trade Minister Li Chiang has stated in "China's Foreign Trade", the journal which re-sumed publication in 1974, which principles gov- ern the Chinese foreign trade: "Over the last two decades and more, acting upon the teachings of Chairman Mao on foreign trade, China has opened up trade with other countries of the world in a planned way, on the basis of equality and mutual benefit, to learn from other countries' merits and obtain necessary materials, equipment and tech- niques through exchange. This is an implemen-tation of the principle of making foreign things serve China, and combining learning with invent- ing in order to add to our ability to build social- ism independently and with the initiatives in our own hands through self-reliance to speed up the pace of our socialist construction.
Shift towards the West
China's maxim of putting its trust in its own strength may well be the vital clue to an under-standing of Chinese foreign trade policy. The experience of the "lean-to-one-side policy" and the subsequent stoppage of Soviet help in the early sixties still reverberates today. It has had a traumatic effect on the Chinese politicians and firmly convinced them that never again must China be dependent upon any one country. In 1950-59 as much as two-thirds of the Chinese foreign trade had been concentrated on the Com- econ states, especially the Soviet Union. China's response to the break with the Kremlin was not a "closed-door policy" however. Instead the Peo- ple's Republic embarked on a broadly diversified,
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