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发布时间: 2022-03-10 17:55:17

❶ 急,,求英语口语四个人的对话,关于旅行,或旅游的话题

1:Do you speak Chinese?

❷ 有关旅游管理口语考试的一些问题

pour vous quel est les avantages d'apprendre cette spécialité? parlez vous couramment anglais ou une autre langue européenne? pensez vous travailler en France après votre formation?



❸ 如何学习旅游常用英语口语旅游常用英语口语都要注意哪些问题


❹ 雅思口语旅游类话题该如何作答

在雅思口语的众多题型中,雅思口语旅游类题向来是大家不太擅长的。所以环球青藤口语名师韩亮老师给大家拿出一道近两年反复出现的雅思口语高频题给大家解析下雅思口语旅游类话题该如何作答。原题如下:Describe an exciting trip you hadYou should sayWho you travelled withWhere you wentWhat you did or saw thereAnd explain why you want to talk about this trip经典回答:在开头,开门见山:Today, I’d like to talk about an exciting trip I had.回答个问题:Firstly, I’ll talk about who I travelled with. I travelled with my best friend. At the beginning, I wanted to travel with my parents, but my father…so I telephoned my best friend…So I travelled with my best friend.回答第二个问题:Next…I'll tell you where we went. We went to Sanya. We had two choices… So we went to Sanya.回答第三个问题:Thirdly, I'll say what we did or saw there. We stayed in Sanya for two days …回答第四个问题:Finally,I’ll explain why I want to talk about this trip. This was the first time …so everything was new and exciting to us. That is why I want to talk about this trip today, thank you.雅思口语答案分析:我们常见的一个难题是考生自己没有亲身体验过考题所要求的特定事物从而导致无法正常发挥甚至跑题。在此强烈建议在遇到这种情况下可以向考官说明你的实际状态并且提供一个与考题要求接近的内容进行应答。这样可有效规避跑题的风险。为了满足答题句型的多样性和内容的丰富本次的答题设计是基于两种语速设计的。高速(160词/min) 中速(120词/min) 其中,高速时可完成全部4段,中速时可完成前3段, 如果你使用的是VOA special English 标准的低速(70-90词/min) 考生可选择性地按结构删减内容。词汇的应用方面本人更多倾向于使用常用的词汇从而降低了对考生词汇量的要求,但从另一个方面也提高了词性应用准确性及句型多样化的要求。 核心思路,千言万语皆归于熟悉,举一反三,但凡遇到旅游类的题皆可使用此法,棒棒哒。以上就是环球青藤口语名师韩亮老师为雅思考生们带来的雅思口语旅游类话题该如何作答,希望能为雅思考生们带来帮助。如需了解更多雅思培训的相关信息,欢迎拨打环球青藤的免费咨询热线400-060-9663进行咨询,或者点击环球青藤网站页面的“在线咨询”与环球青藤名师直接对话。

❺ 要考英语口语啦,有没有关于旅游方面的英语口语考试方面的文章

Holiday is the time for people to relax and enjoy. Recently, my family and I had a trip to Perth. All the fun we had is still lingering in my soul, how I wish we could stay longer there.

Perth is located in Western Australia, it gave us an ideal idyllic holiday which no other country could offer.This city quaint has its own unique charm which captivated the hearts of my whole family. on the first day that we landed in Perth, we were warmly welcomed by the service staff in Maxsis Hotel. Their service was impeccable. It was more than a comfortable abode to ease our jet-lagged bodies on the first day. Knowing that we were visiting Perth for the first time, the reception immediately arranged for my family to be taken to one of their finest room that overlooked the mesmerising sights of the city.

By the second day, we were well rested to Perth. My father took out a rented car and we commenced on our self-drive trip. The scenery of rolling hills and lush greenery exuded tranquility. We drank in the enrapturing sights and sounds of Perth. Our first destination was City Beach, my family and I had a perfect tan while lazing on the bustling beach. The myrial of bikini babes and surfer des was quite a fascinating sight for my parents. City Beach is well-known for its postcard-worthy sunset sights. The fiery sun retiring beyond the horizons on the Indian Ocean was truly a sight to behold.

Manrah Beach was my unlimate favourite, which I am sure you will concur with me. Windsurfing, kite surfing, bodyboarding and boating on the waterways; you name it they have it. It is a paradise for us watersports lovers. Manrah Beach provided all of activities which whetted my appetite for adrenaline rush thrills. I managed to pack windsurfing and body boarding into my itinerary for that day, while my parents went kite surfing and boating on the inviting waterways. This pristine crystalline beach is truly a gem in Perth. A must-go! We ended our third day by driving to Floreat Beach to have a look at its renowned clear waters. It was indeed crystal clear. A wonderful beach for snrkelling. After a long day of outdoor activities, we finally cheacked into Medina Hotel Apartments, it was beautiful accommodation that was just a stone throwaway from the beach. Luxurious and comfortable, we had a restful night to recharge ourselves.

On our fourth day, it was time for shopping and some Australia cultural immersion. My mother and I conquered the major shopping malls in Perth's city for some of the best bargains, while my father idled the day away in several alfresco resturants. My father had field day enjoying exquisite Australian cuisine and wines. The shopaholics in me and my mother were satiated while the gastronomic delights and fabulous Australian wines ignited the glutton in my father. Finally we ended the day with an exotic cultural performance by the Aboriginal Tribe at the Perth Theatre.

On our fifth day we went for some shopping and a gourmet trail in the day. Georage's Meze Resturant in Subiaco serves excellent Greek cuisine. We had our dinner at Blue Duck Cafe which overlooked the striking Cotteslos Beach; alfresco dining and a brilliant sunset is best served at this delightful Australian cafe. The minute elegant cresent takes the night sky, Perth city comes alive. All the pubs and clubs were busting with locals and tourist alike. My parents signed me up for a club-hopping night tour, while they retired to the hotel fir some rest. I was ecstatic! I was all on my own and the people in the tour group were all youngsters like myself. The effervescent nightlife in Perth was beyond my dreams. The dance music and the DJs were all international standards. I really relished that night as the tour brought us from on pub to another club along Northbridge and Sabiaco! Every single one of them rocked!

Finally home sweet home after a perfect getaway in Perth, Australia. I highly recommend this itinerary to you. Personally I have no qualms about being an ambassador to recommend this charming Western Australia city to anyone who is looking for a short escapade from China.


❻ 雅思口语旅游话题有哪些


❼ 英语口语对话(关于旅游时的)

Hello, how are you doing today?
My name is ...., may I have your name?
Today is a nice, sunny day.what do you think?
How long have you been in China? Do you like China?
Did you learn some Mandarin(Chinese)?


❽ 关于旅游英语口语答案的问题!

说实话, 你问的这些都是很简单的英语。如果这些东西你都不, 即使别人帮你写下来。你也不可能早短时间内接受, 我们不支持抄袭,所以就不给你回答了。

❾ 有关‘旅游前准备’的口语对话。最好能说上三分钟。


❿ 旅游英语应急口语900句 文本

  1. How do I get to the airport?


  2. How do I get to the metro station?


  3. How do I get to the hotel XXX?


  4. Is there a bank near by?


  5. Is there a hospital nearby?


  6. How do I get to thetourist information office?


  7. Would you fill in thisregistration form?


  8. I'd like some small change?


  9. Take me to this address, please


  10. Can you cut me a deal?


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