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发布时间: 2022-02-26 10:03:10

① 寻一篇关于到桂林旅游的welcome speech演讲稿如题 谢谢了

Hello everyone. Welcome to Guilin. Today I will introce history, culture,some interesting sights about Guilin. Guilin is a city in China, situated in the northeast of the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region on the west bank of the Li River. Its name means "forest of Sweet Osmanthus", owing to the large number of fragrant Sweet Osmanthus trees located in the city. The city has long been renowned for its unique scenery. Two crusted movements of earth took place about 200 and 180 million years age thrusting the limestone sediments out of the sea bottom. They were forced upwards more than 200 meters to the surface. This Karst formation was molded through many years of erosion by the wind and rain to become the hills and rocks with bizarre shapes. There are numerous complete Karst (limestone sites), which are of high scientific value and tour value. Guilin is named after the fragrance of cherry bay and saw its first inhabitants in Qin Dynasty over 2000 years ago. Guilin experienced a prosperous period ring Tang, Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasty under the patronage from succeeding Emperors with long history and numerous historic relics sparkling around the city. Guilin is regarded as the most picturesque city in China. Two crystal clear rivers--Lijiang River and Peach Blossom River meander through the city, which are encircled by hills with unusual & bizarre rock formations and caves inside. Guilin is not only a perfect place for living, but also an extraordinary, eco- friendly tour destination. Welcome to experience this unique and warm city with your family or friends. The earliest traces of human habitation in Guilin dated back to the Qin Dynasty (B.C.221- B.C.214). Since then, Guilin has become the political, economic and cultural centre of the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. During the Tang and Song Dynasties, local civilization lived prosperously leaving many historic relics still intact today. Among the innumerable historic relics, there are some distinguished representatives including Jingjiang Prince Villa Inscription (of the Ming Dynasty), which was carved in Yinwu Hill, and is the largest of all the inscriptions in Guilin. Meanwhile, Guilin’s Ling Canal, which is located in Xing’an County, ranks as one of the three greatest Water Conservancies in Ancient China. It was built in the Qin Dynasty and is still fully functional today. Owning such an abundance of historic relics and inscriptions, in 1982 Guilin became part of China’s first batch of National Historic and Cultural Cities. No matter what you are looking for in particular, whether traveling alone or with your buddy, Guilin can easily be the right place and your first choice for travel. At this day in age, many busy young people dream about the simple life living in tune with nature in a close and comfortably sized village society. Guilin offers a variety of activities to make your adventure forever unforgettable, including thrilling hiking, biking, drifting, climbing, camping and a variety of other outdoor explorations. That's all. Thank you for your listening.

② 写公司旅游新闻稿要把所有活动都写出来么我总感觉这样多此一举


③ 公司集体组织去桂林旅游,想给员工投团体意外险






④ 为桂林山水写一则旅游广告词


⑤ 带十几个公司员工去桂林旅游,哪个旅行社可以安排,听说驴哥旅游不错,怎么样


⑥ 桂林旅游感想


十一到了,很多人出去旅游,旅行社大大夸大了旅游景点的美,人们千里万里的花钱受罪去旅游城市,结果到哪都是人满为患,想拍张照片都难,导游千方百计给游客推荐自费项目,捞取好处回扣,这样旅游还是少去为佳。在桂林不到五十分钟的遇龙河漂流每人160元, 溶洞50分钟110元感觉很不值,游客要理智旅游。

在桂林远道的游客总会买一些 当地的水果特产,可是买的东西大多不足称,我买的芒果说是二斤六两带回家称只有一斤八两,买的香蕉三斤半,回来称二斤八两,幸亏我不敢多买,天知道他们用的几两称,买东西的游客很多,那些小贩脸不变色心不跳的卖货收钱,这样的地方再美也很伤游客的心无奈难道没人管吗?



⑦ 去桂林旅游的心中感受100

国庆黄金周假期,我们一家去桂林旅游。 到了桂林,我一看,果然是“桂林山水甲天下”。 我们首先去了象鼻山,那里景色秀丽神奇,好像有头大象在吸水。然后再去了芦笛岩,那里面非常漂亮,个个观景区都能看到奇形怪状的岩石。接着我们去了遇龙河,那里的水清澈见底,我把脚伸进水里,真凉爽啊!青山绿水映入我的眼中,景色怡人啊!桂林山水果然甲天下

⑧ 桂林山水甲天下,如今到桂林旅游的人很多,但有少数游客环保意识较差,请你,设计一条一则广告提醒大家,


⑨ 明天就去桂林旅游了、想发个朋友圈、怎么说呢


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