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发布时间: 2022-02-22 05:47:59

❶ 用英语写游泳池安全规则,如don't____

The swimming pool is only free for the hotel guests;
At the non-open time, asking the guests don' t enter water swimming;
Those who have high blood pressure, heart attack, should not use the swimming pool;
For the sake of the health to you and the others, Any gets infectious disease, impatient conjunctivitis, middle-ear infection, mental illness or wine posterity of the hepatitis, skin disease, advanced case trachoma, bowel way, the private all can't get into an usage the swimming pool;
For insure a child to swim safety, 12 years old following little son go into pond swimming, should be kept company with by the parent (or alt) and serve as guardian it a safety, if have no the alt accompany, the administrative office then has power brush-off it to get into the swimming pool, unless keep company with in the alt under, the child under 12 years of age can not use a big swimming pool;
Deposit a proct behind please lock good cabinets and take care of good key by oneself, the valuables please don't put go into change dress a cabinet in, the administrative office all irresponsible proct loses of indemnification responsibility, finish swimming to please to return key original place;
The swimmer swim to should take a shower bath, immerse feet in advance ago;
Strictly forbid within the scope of the swimming pool to smoke cigarette and take a meal;
Civilization swimming, safety usage the swimming pool facilities, the area which forbids in the swimming pool jumps into water and makes track for to play to make, therefore cause of any Human body injury, the beard undertakes a responsibility by oneself;
Meet thunderclap, rain heavily, rain-storm, lightning flash, the swimmer should exert to leave at once the swimming pool, wear to think for the customer safety, lifeguard in the swimming pool, have power to close a swimming pool urgently;

❷ 旅行安全注意事项英文

Travel safety precautions

❸ 当我们外出旅游时应该注意哪些规则英语

1、交通规则traffic rules或者traffic regulations

遵守交通规则obey the traffic rules 或者observant of the traffic rules

You should be observant of the traffic rules.你应当遵守交通规则。

2、违反交通规则break the traffic rules 或者be against the traffic rules

If we break the traffic rules, we will get a fine and even be in danger.如果我们违反了交通规则,我们会收到罚单甚至处于危险状态。

3、很多人都会将“闯红灯”说成”break the red light”,这是不对的,真正的表达是”run the red light”,而break用于违反规则、法律等,像上面提到的break traffic rules.

Love life,refuse running red lights.珍爱生命,拒绝闯红灯。It's dangerous to run through the red light.闯红灯是非常危险的事。

5、为了不闯红灯,那就要等红灯啦,那么“等红灯”用英语怎么表达呢?千万不要说出wait for the red light,“等红灯”的目的其实是等红灯变绿,正确的说法就是wait for the green light或者wait for the red light to change.

I'm waiting for the green light.我正在等红灯。

6、“green light”不仅有“绿灯”的意思,也有“准许”的意思。很好理解,其实就是给别人在心里开绿灯。

“give sb/sth the green light”意思是“给某人/某事许可”

“get the green light”则是“得到许可”

My boss gave me the green light to start the project.我老板同意我开始这个项目了。If we want to go outing, we must get the green light from the teacher.如果我们想外出旅游,我们必须得到老师的批准。

❹ 旅游规则,打扰,保护,这些用英语怎么写

travel rules/ rules of travel 旅游规则

disturb 动词/disturbance 名词 打扰

protect 动词/protection 名词 保护

❺ 翻译——安全须知(英文)

2 one before running for safety guidelines
Check the equipment status and good condition, check the pipeline pressure gauge, button in the course of transportation is damaged, when one found fault and hydraulic system appears unusual noise, cut off the power supply to stop working and remove the faults, forbidden beyond the scope of the valve pressure test.
3. The electrical safety instructions
One three-phase four-wire, ac power: voltage 380 v, 50 Hz ac, control circuit voltage 220 v, 50 Hz ac: non-professional workers banned power control device to avoid dangerous touch. Because one more button, so remind the operators must attach great importance to the problem of security, not after learning the notes, it is strictly prohibited to mount guard.
Check the power supply is reliable grounding line, line diameter meets the requirements.
Check the power supply sequential is correct.
Check signal instructions is correct.
One, electrical malfunction, should first shut off the power and fault not relieved, and no one is allowed either.
Electrical maintenance personnel must be electrician operating rules wear electrician tools for insulation, there must be a special person to care about maintenance period, or in the power source for warning

❻ 我们外出旅游时应该注意哪些规则英语作文!


❼ 英语作文:你班要举行一次登山活动,根据提示,写登山旅游时应遵守的规则,以保护环境和确保安全,80字左

地球是我们人类、动植物生存繁衍的大家庭.可是现在,地球已经不再是那个洁净而美丽的地球了,它正变得千疮百孔,遍体鳞伤,正在独自地哭泣着,不知向谁述说自己已面临的不幸。 目前,生态环境正日益恶化,对我们影响最大的就是水资源。据有关资料报道:排水系统的铺设和清洁剂的大量使用有增无减,消耗水中的氧,使鱼类死亡,生态系统恶化,人类的活动也会使大量的工业、农业污染物排入河中,使水受到污染。据有关资料显示,全世界每年约有4200多亿吨的污水排入河中,污染了5.5万亿吨的淡水。看到这一个个触人惊心的数据,你想到了什么呢?没错,这就是人类破坏环境的下场,这就是大自然给人类的惩罚啊! 当我们头顶的天空不再明净,不再蔚蓝时,我们是否才想起应该保护我们所生活的环境呢?当我们脚下的土地变成黄沙变成荒漠时,我们是否才后悔当初没有珍惜我们的大自然呢?面对曾经美好的一切,我们不禁要大声问道:“谁来保护我们的绿色家园?”历史的车轮正轰隆隆地驶向22世纪,我们作为一名小学生,一个小公民,必须勇敢地站起来,呼吁大家:保护环境已经到了刻不容缓缓的地步,我们责无旁货!谁希望看到自古以来辛勤哺育我们人类的地球母亲即将变成一个欲哭无泪的黑色地球呢?不,谁都不愿意看到! 是啊,由于人类无节制地对森林乱砍滥伐,不注意保护生态平衡,致使许多森林遭到了毁坏;小鸟没有家了,再也不会欢歌笑语;大地也没有漂亮的绿衣裳,不再生机勃勃了。但是,有些人们还是没有意识到我们的家园正在慢慢地被毁坏着呢! 大地拥有和谐美丽的绿色,花儿才显得娇艳动人;心中拥有纯洁的绿色,心灵才显得更加红彤灿烂。人类需要绿色,地球母亲更加需要绿色,那就 让我们手牵着手,心连着心,共创绿色环境,让蓝天更蓝,让清水更清,让我们的地球母亲更加可爱、更加生机勃勃吧!
谢谢大家! 人类只有一个地球,它是人类赖以生存的自然资源,爱护地球,就等于爱护自己的家园。

❽ 关于旅游规则的英语作文怎么写好看


❾ 你还知道哪些安全规则呢答案用英文写

1.Always buckle up.永远系好安全带.
2.Put your children in back!把您的孩子放在后座上!
3.Never drunk drive!决不酒后驾驶!
4.You always have to stop at a stop sign.在停车标志前,你永远要停.
5.In a crosswalk,pedestrians have the right of way.在过街人行道上,行人有先行权.

❿ 旅游注意事项英语作文

1.Buy a map, and get familiar with the city and streets
2.Don't leave your valuable belongings in the hotel room. Never stay outside too late.
3.Call the police in emergency

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