A. 英文翻译 说明文 《盐城》
Has been singing across the song "a true story" is about to save the red-crowned cranes and the moving story of the heroic devotion to happen here. Protected areas has more than 300 kinds of birds, of which 62 have been included in the World Red Book of endangered species, is a bird paradise.
At the national level nature reserve is located within elk elk Chinese Court, is the world's largest wild elk Unique Chinese Garden, the state AAAA-class tourist scenic spot. Seabeach vast wetland is a paradise for animals, the gene pool of rare species. The annual鹿王hegemony, it is rare to see one spectacular scene.
Yancheng domain is located in the western hinterland Lixiahe region, large vertical Lake, Kowloon mouth swing horse home waters such as lakes, nearly a hundred square kilometers of area, the lagoon is a typical type湖荡wetlands, known as the "Golden Beach silver finishes," "land of fish and rice" with good development prospects. At present, large vertical Lake tourism area has been completed and the water conditions and customs, history and culture, Buddhist culture, Fisheries and Tourism,芦荡maze, the eight features, such as lakeside resort area, one of 140,000 square meters area of the maze芦荡wetlands have been elected to the Guinness Book of Records.
Yancheng cultural sea salt is the only city named after salt, salt and hing from Yancheng to "ring are salt" and is named after, "both串场Barry Salt,"串场River runs through the urban area was transported in ancient salt River.
Wannan Incident Khmer culture, the reconstruction of the New Fourth Army in Yancheng, Yancheng has become the Anti-Japanese War Center in central China, Liu Shaoqi, Chen Yi and other older generation of proletarian revolutionaries have to live here, fought, known as the "Yan'an in northern Shaanxi, northern Jiangsu Yancheng "the world. New Fourth Army Memorial Hall, is currently the most comprehensive system to reflect the history of the New Fourth Army General of the Anti-Japanese War Memorial Hall, the Central Propaganda Department, the National Tourism Administration included in the national 100 classic red tourism scenic spots and tourist procts 30 red line.
B. 盐城丹顶鹤自然保护区英语介绍
District Department of national natural protection area of Jiangsu Yancheng coastal wetland nature protection, is located in Yancheng City Sheyang, Dafeng County two, within the protection zone is a growth of 2000 kinds of biological species, which belongs to the first grade state protection animal. There are more than 10 species, belonging to two national protected animal. There are more than 30 kinds of. There are many birds and many friendly people, where the birds have a lot of food and friends so they don't feel lonely.
The largest animal nature reserve of Yancheng Red Crowned Crane
Each year in late October, the red crowned crane fly here from the north, began the overwintering live about 140 days. Since the establishment of the reserve, to the number of wintering Red Crowned Crane in the region increased year by year, built area of only 288, has increased to nearly 900, accounting for about 70% of the number of Wild Red Crowned crane.
Yancheng nature reserve of birds face many risks, such as: Hunter, they catch some birds to sell, or steal eggs to sell, this is terrible, this may cause some birds don't have the baby, and even disappeared from the earth
So, we should protect the birds, do not let them in danger
C. 盐城旅游年卡查询
摘要 旅游年卡介质为电子卡和芯片卡,其中本市及常驻人员芯片卡纳入市民卡(逐步集成有关城市公共服务功能)可通过年卡微信公众号、“智慧城市一卡通”APP“我的盐城”APP等自助办理年卡电子卡也可通过网点现场办理年卡芯片卡并开通电子卡,电子年卡直接通过手机操作使用。旅游年卡有效期限为购卡之日或续费之日起1年。
D. 求盐城旅游景点大全排名,哪些比较值得去
江苏盐城东台市新曹镇,永丰林农业生态园地处标致的黄海之滨,核心区占地面积6000余亩,是一个以生态农业为基础,集游览旅行、商务会议、休闲度假、科遍及环境教育于一体的苏北最大的生态游览度假区。园区得到 “天下农业游览示范点”、“国度AAA级游览景区”等荣誉称号。
E. 盐城有哪些好玩的地方和哪些好吃的,用英文写
F. 盐城有哪些特产和旅游景点呀简单一点的说!
G. 去盐城三日游
大丰麋鹿,盐城新四军纪念馆,盐城水街,水街很出名,央视有个各地的鉴宝活动就是在水街现场直播的 。大纵湖是推荐去的地方,从盐城市区坐车时间短且路费便宜,就在盐都;建湖的九龙口也不错;至于盐城市区的景点毫无特色,戏称新马泰(新四军纪念馆、大铜马、泰山庙)一日游,建议不去;另外在盐都新区那边的几个公园可以去看看,天数多到射阳海边芦苇荡玩玩
H. 大众湖荷兰花海盐都公园丹顶鹤自然保护区是盐城主要的旅游景点用英文怎么说
The red crowned crane nature reserve in yan park is the main tourist attraction in yancheng
I. 我是江苏盐城人,去韩国旅游,签证如何办理,需要哪些材料