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发布时间: 2024-10-09 14:25:42

㈠ 请问这段英语是什么意思

Carol Janus is only thirteen years old,but she has already planned her future.Carol Janus 才13岁,但是她已经计划好了她的未来。She wants to be a nurse,own her own home,and have at least two horses.她想成为护士,拥有自己的房子,至少有两匹马。The government will pay pf her college tuition,and Carol has already begun to save.政府将会为她支付大学学费,并且她自己已经开始为之存钱了。Companies can't hire boys and girls who are under sixteen years of age,so Carol looked for work around the neighborhood.公司不招收16岁以下的孩子,所以她在社区附近找工作。She knew that nobody needed one more baby sitter,and she discovered that kids had taken all the newspaper routes.她了解到没人会再要另外一个保姆,并且她发现其他孩子已经把报纸上的工作都做完了。As a result,Carol decided to start her own service as a plant-and-pet sitter.所以,她决定她要做照顾宠物的人,来开始她的服务。Now when people go on trips,they call Carol.现在每当人们旅行,就找Carol。"No one has done anything like this around here before,"said one happy client.一个开心的雇员说,在这以前没有做这种工作的。"Many plants might have died and people would have put the pets in a kennel.否则很多植物也许死掉了,人们也许会把宠物放进笼子。Now someone waters the plants and someone takes care of the pets at home.现在有人给植物浇水在家照顾宠物。"Carol Janus is not a dreamer.She is doing something to make dreams come true.Carol Janus 不是一个白日梦者,她正在做一些使梦想成真的事情。

㈡ 我希望去一些地方,那儿的人们都非常友好。翻译成英语

I am looking forward to going to some places where people here are very kind.

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