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发布时间: 2024-07-13 03:28:58

① 求翻译稿,苦等(第二部分)

Camping chapter members
As the first and largest membership camping club network, transit bank operates directly under the cooperation of the Member Services dozen operating organizations, paving the way for many years and working for the promotion of recreational camping culture, and development of China's instry has created excellent recreational camping The market-based.

Through a variety of stylish and convenient services, after many years, transit line has accumulated more than one million high-end members, and obtained permission marketing rights and interests of all members. Zhongtian members act to provide "one card in hand, national roaming," high-end service concept, and thus for the country's coalition partners, sending hundreds of millions of high-end tour groups.

Transit line membership site, e-magazines and an advanced 24-hour call service system, put up a barrier between the club and the membership communication platform.

Camp introce some
Transit Line Emerald Island Campground
Emerald Island campsite away from the urban and rural areas, there is no pollution, which is characterized by fine sand, Pohuan, clear water, tidal flat. Emerald Island camp built in the National Nature Reserve. Camp full advantage of the car-trailer (mobile hotels) advantages in the overall environment does not destroy the same time, reflects the camping places, nature and ecology, so that an increasing number of visitors to choose where recreational camping.

Transit line Kanas campsite
Kanas Lake distance despite more than 800 kilometers in Urumqi, Xinjiang, one of the most famous scenic spots, with "Eastern Little Switzerland" in the world. Whenever the advent of the tourist season, Kanas Lake scenic area of housing in short supply. In a similar kind of natural scenic spots in the building of car camping is a very good choice. 2003 Beijing Zhongtian Investment Management Co., Ltd. Bank invest in Kanas lake by the car-trailer consisting of car camping, the camp trailer parked car dozens of hotel-style units, self-propelled car dozens of camp places to meet the needs of the different camping travel enthusiasts.

Transit Line Dead Sea Camp
Transit line camp is located in the Dead Sea dead sea area, into the southern highway at 114 kilometers. The camp is equipped with 15 Zhongtian Star trailer cars and 40 shells and tents; each model has its own characteristics. Inside the sofa ring the day sitting watching television, chatting in the evening it becomes a double bed. The model can accommodate up to 10 people stay at the same time, a friend and a party we had better accommodation choice; marked there with a bedside cabinet between the beds, air conditioning, bathroom, television, telephone, and general hotel did not make any difference. Luxury is the family bedroom with separate living room features office area clean, generous, warm and romantic bedroom is currently an area of the Dead Sea RV camp, more than ten thousand square meters, in addition to providing accommodation for tourists, will also introce more entertainment to enrich the camp life.

Transit Line Shanhaiguan Camp
Transit line Shanhaiguan Happy Ocean Park RV camp is located in the old leading the joy Shanhaiguan Ocean Park, is a set of recreation and entertainment, blue sea and sky as one car camping sites. At the camp, you can not only watch the wonderful animal performances; can also be playing in the water park where wild and stimulate the body odor, and explore endless wonders of nature and the fun; enjoy barbecue, fishing, bonfire party to bring you the fun, in the Shanhaiguan RV camp accommodation available for tourists sections provide a car, can accommodate 160 people, according to different models, divided into two rooms, four humans, six humans, eight human and various tents and so on.

Transit Line Hainan Holiday Beach Campground
Transit Line Holiday Beach Campground is located in Binhai Avenue, Haikou City, Qingling Avenue, West Extension, north, east Xiuying beach, west five source area 6 km long, covers an area of 54 hectares (not including the beach and sea) of the beach, 3 kilometers away from Xiuying, 11 km away from downtown Haikou. To Haikou people and overseas visitors for sightseeing and leisure, the construction of a set of water sports, beach sports, tourism, leisure, culture and entertainment in one, the natural landscape and man-made-based combination, an international tropical coastal characterized by mass urban leisure tourism campsite.


















(图/文/摄: 问答叫兽) 奔驰S级 问界M5 理想ONE 别克GL8 小鹏P5 小鹏汽车P7 @2019

③ 浜旇彵瀹忓厜鎷栬溅閽╁湪鍝閲

鍦ㄥ簳鐩樹笂锛屽簳鐩樹袱杈瑰ぇ姊佷笂鏈変釜瀛旓紝閭i噷灏辨槸鎷栬溅閽╃殑鍦版柟锛屼絾鏄鍙鏈夎佹剧殑 浜旇彵瀹忓厜 鎵嶆湁銆傜湅鏄 浜旇彵 瀹忓厜鍝涓娆句簡锛 浜旇彵瀹忓厜S 娌℃湁鍚庢嫋閽┿16骞村嚭鍘傜殑杞﹂兘娌℃湁鍚庢嫋杞﹂挬浜嗐


鎴戝浗銆 涓鍗 浜烘皯鍏卞拰鍥介亾璺浜ら氬畨鍏ㄦ硶瀹炴柦鏉′緥銆嬩腑鐨勭浜斿崄鍏鏉′腑鏄庣‘瑙勫畾锛屽皬鍨嬭浇瀹㈡苯杞﹀彧鍏佽哥壍寮曟梾灞呮寕杞︽垨鑰呮昏川閲700鍗冨厠浠ヤ笅鐨勬寕杞︺傛寕杞︿笉寰楄浇浜恒傚彧瑕佹寕杞︾殑鐏鍏夈佸埗鍔ㄣ佸畨鍏ㄩ槻鎶ょ瓑瑁呯疆绗﹀悎鍥藉舵爣鍑嗭紝涓旀寕杞︾殑鎬昏川閲忎笉瓒呰繃700鍗冨厠锛屼竴鑸鐨勫剁敤杞﹀氨鍙浠ョ壍寮曟寕杞︽垨鎷栨寕寮忔埧杞︿笂璺銆傘銆瀹剁敤杞︾壍寮曠潃灏忔寕杞︽垨鎴胯溅涓婅矾鏃讹紝姝ょ被缁勫悎杞﹁締搴斿叿鏈変袱骞呰溅鐗岋紝鍒嗗埆鎸備簬鐗靛紩杞﹁締鍜屾寕杞/鎴胯溅锛屽傛灉鎸傝溅娌℃湁杞︾墝锛屼氦璀︿細鍥犻伄鎸″彿鐗岀殑鐞嗙敱锛屾潵瀵硅溅涓昏繘琛屾墸12鍒嗙殑澶勭綒锛岃溅鍚庨儴鎮鎸傝屾潕鏋舵椂涔熻告敞鎰忚繖涓鐐广傘銆鍙﹀栬繕闇瑕佹敞鎰忕殑鏄锛屽傛灉鍔犺呮嫋杞﹂挬鍑嗗囩壍寮曞皬鎸傝溅鎴栨埧杞︼紱闄や簡鎷栬溅閽╁栵紝澶ч儴鍒嗗剁敤杞胯溅杩橀渶瑕佹敼瑁呬竴涓嬬數璺锛屽洜涓哄皬鎸傝溅鍜屽緢澶氭嫋鎷藉紡鎴胯溅鐨勮溅鐏闇瑕佺壍寮曡溅鏉ヤ緵鐢碉紝鍖呮嫭绀哄界伅銆佸埞杞︾伅绛夌瓑銆傚緢澶氬簵閾烘敼瑁呯數璺鐨勮垂鐢ㄩ渶瑕佸崟鐙鏀跺彇銆傦紙鍥/鏂/鎽勶細 鏉滃紡鍑★級 闂鐣孧5 灏忛箯姹借溅P7 AION V 浼犵ズGS8 灏忛箯P5 鐞嗘兂ONE @2019

④ 理想one拖挂房车的可行性


⑤ 房车上什么牌照







(图/文/摄: 问答叫兽) 问界M5 小鹏汽车P7 AION V 传祺GS8 小鹏P5 理想ONE @2019

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