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发布时间: 2023-05-21 09:27:33

Ⅰ 智能汽车与传统汽车的区别英语作文


Ⅱ 理想汽车 英文

Ideal car

理想汽车的首款产品是理想ONE,于2018年10月发布 ,是肢饥键一款智能电动中大型SUV,搭载领先的增程电动技术与智能科技,为家庭用户提供6座的舒适空间。2020年,理想ONE取得中国新能源SUV市场销量冠军,同时成为30万元以上国产车型销量冠军 。截至2022年6月底,理想ONE累计交付量已达184,491辆, 2022年6月21日,理想汽车正式发布家庭智能旗舰SUV理想L9 。


Ⅲ 求一篇“新能源汽车”的英语作文

Environmental protection everybody has a responsibility
Now, the pollution already has become the globalization question. The air, Haihe river, the soil pollution extremely is all harmful to the humanity and the zoology and botany
For example, because present automobile more and more many, therefore the waste gas discharges also day by day increases, as the matter stands our air is polluted extremely seriously, this is extremely harmful to our health. Also, the water source under ours destruction, the pollution extremely is also serious, again like this gets down our humanity to be able to perish.

For our humanity, therefore we must adopt the effective action antipollution, the purification environment, protects the ecological equilibrium. For example, we may the afforestation prevent soil erosion. We may develop the new energy and so on. Environmental protection everybody has a responsibility.

Ⅳ 论文最后关头了,求一篇英文摘要翻译,论文题目是 电子技术在汽车中的应用 求大家帮帮忙吧

Abstract: This paper describes the electronic technology in the automotive power train, chassis, integrated and coordinated integrated control, network bus technology, information system platform, intelligent vehicles, intelligent transportation and the application of new energy vehicles, showing the electronic automotive procts, information , networking and intelligent trends. Described electronic control technology and information technology in the automotive application, focusing on electronic and information technology in the automotive information, intelligence, network control of the application and development trends. Specify the information technology and network technology used in automobiles, is the inevitable development of the information society, information society and the inevitable demand for intelligent social life. This paper introces the modern electronic technology in the automotive application of a comprehensive and detailed description of the main principles of electronic control systems, composition and function.
Key words: automobile; e; technology; development

Ⅳ 新能源汽车与智能汽车各有何优缺点













Ⅵ 电影智能汽车英语作文

Intelligent Car is a puter, such as the latest scientific and technological achievements and modern proct of the bination of the auto instry, which "understanding."

Usually on autopilot, automatic tran *** ission, and even with the automatic identification of the function of the road. In addition, the car has a range of ancillary facilities should be puterized, and often gives novelty.


下面这篇文章将讲叙了世界,特别是中国、印锋漏度等国家的汽车行业的状况,联系了经济、燃油、环境等方面的问毁烂题,不知道能帮上你的忙吗? Our Automobile FutureAccording to Elizabeth Kobert who wrote a article titled “Running on Fumes” for the New Yorker, she says that there are about 9 personal cars per 1,000 eligible people in China. In India, there are about 11 cars per 1,000 eligible drivers. The parison bees interesting when you factor in cars in the United States. Kobert says that we have 1,114 automobiles per 1,000 eligible drivers. These figures help us understand why the United States is the top consumer of fossil fuels and emitter of carbon. The really frightening aspect of all of this is knowing that both China and India's economies are on a substantial growth track that will forever change the above automobile ratios. They are hungry for all of the amenities that are synonymous with a fortable modern life and driving is one of them. The urbanization of China has been dramatic over the past decade. Peasants have left the countryside for jobs in urban areas and the promise of a better life. As a result, urban areas have sprung up almost overnight to acmodate the boom in manufacturing. With a population if over 1 billion people, China has over 200 cities with at least 1 million people. As they increase their ine, they will have expendable ine that will allow them to purchase automobiles. The future looks bright for car sales in China and India. Kobert argues that if China and India were to reach car ownership at just half the numbers of American drivers, those o countries would burn through 100 million barrels of oil a day. If they were to match the number of United States drivers, they would need 200 million barrels of oil a day. To the average person these numbers appear quite meaningless until you understand that the current total world consumption a day is about 86 million barrels of oil. This level of oil proction has plateaued since December of 2005 and many are worried that we have begun the inevitable decline in our ability to pump oil at these rates. This would all be just an interesting academic discussion if it weren't for the fact that 35 billion dollars was just sucked out of our economy e to the increase in fuel prices as we were heading into the Christmas holiday. Money spent on fuel is not money spent on the holiday. A recent poll by by Gfk Roper Public Affairs and Media reports that 27 million Americans will need to borrow money to pay their fuel bills this winter, 20 million of them will use credit cards to pay for heat to stay warm. This es at a time when utility panies are expanding the payment options for households and for many this includes credit cards. As we look forward, a prudent person would understand that we are facing several enormous dilemmas. First of all, the world must drastically rece the amount of carbon we are releasing into the air. An increasing reliance on the internal bustion engine will obviously seal our fate. If we were to develop an alternative car right now that does not emit carbon it would take years to replace the current stock of vehicles. The average car stays on the road for 7 years. The hundreds of millions of vehicles on the road right now will be with us for years to e. As China and India add to their vehicle stock, it is likely that these vehicles will live out their life cycle as well. Lastly, it is clear that if we continue to burn fossil fuels we will all be peting for a dwindling supply. The laws of economics tell us that prices will increase as demand outstrips supply. The future appears stark. The implications for increased military conflict to secure our energy future has already begun and will worsen as supply tightens.

英语作文 关于汽车的


(必然趋势)First there r more and more families own a car or more.解释为什么会有这样的趋势。

原因 1私家车比较方便 2国名生活条件的提高 3身份的象征 等等。

Because it's more convenient to hang out when u have car. u can go anywhere u want and no need to worry about u will miss the train or bus and then wait for a long time.(因为当你拥有一辆车时,出游更方便,不用担心耽误火车或者巴士,然后再花很多时间去等)otherwise there are more and more people get rich now. The cars r not like before that only a few people can buy.And some people think get a car is a sign that u r one of the rich guys.(另外越来越多的人变的富有,车子也不想从前只有少部分人能买到,而且一些人认为有辆车是富有的标志)然后叙述一下车子的弊端弊端 1污染环境 2交通堵塞 3停车难But as we all know the Car exhaust lead the problem of Global Warming.(但是众所周知,汽车的废气导致了全球变暖)And too manys cars in the road cause the Traffic jam. (而且太多车在路上造成交通堵塞)another problem is we need more place to parking the cars. The cars Occupy more space with our public space.(还有一个问题是我们需要跟多地方停车,车子占据了我们更多公共空间)接下来阐明你的观点1 支持私家车 2 不支持私家车 (在这里建议选择第二个,因为在环保的大前提下,低碳生活最重要。

)And my opinion is cars bring us the convenient but it also bring the Environmental issues.In the long term i think we should contral the number of cars.(我的观点是,汽车带给我们方便的同时也带来了环境问题,从长远角度看我们要控制汽车数量)最后点题we cant stop that more and more families own a car but we need consider the problem that cause from cars.(我们无法阻止越来越多的家庭买车,但是我们至少要考虑下车子带给我们的问题)字数可能不够,自己在添油加醋点,应该可以,希望对你有帮助。


The world boards the first automobilesInventing time is 1886,The inventor is Germany engineer Kaerbenci.Benci invents in the world the first automobiles in the laboratory, and in having gained a patent on January 29 , 1886, this is considered being that the automobile es into being by most people one day Japan , Benci are bee "father of automobile" by people.That this is one three-wheeled automobile is one of the most important human being invention in history


篇一:智能汽车的英语作文Intelligent Car is a puter, such as the latest scientific and technological achievements and modern proct of the bination of the auto instry, which "understanding."Usually on autopilot, automatic tran *** ission, and even with the automatic identification of the function of the road. In addition, the car has a range of ancillary facilities should be puterized, and often gives novelty.篇二:智能汽车Smart cars Meters, Leo the library card Even the past 70 years has changed little basically the car instry, will also feel thein... neng qi che ZHI NENG car Intelligent Automobile.Intelligent Car is a puter, such as the latest scientific and technologicalachievements and modern proct of the bination of the auto instry, which "understanding." Usually on autopilot, automatic tran *** ission, and ev...The petroleum is also useful one day, sooner or later must by other energy substitution, the electric car not have the air pollution, the noise quite to be also *** all, the operation is quite convenient, moreover, the electric c...Fly think of Carle Cup National University intelligent car contest.篇三:智能汽车的英语作文In 2080, cars are going to be different. The car of new type is made from China. The motor is quicker than other cars. The car can be droved 500 kilometers per hour.Computers are going to be inside every car. It is going to control the car. You don't need to be worried about the red light.The car is going to go on special tracks above the city. It would be not so crowded and noisy.There is a special air conditioner in the car. In winter you can be warm there. In summer you can be pleasantly cool.If you have this car, you will be very fashionable.

英语作文 关于汽车益处的加翻译

原因 1私家车比较方便 2国名生活条件的提高 3身份的象征 等等。

Because it's more convenient to hang out when u have car. u can go anywhere u want and no need to worry about u will miss the train or bus and then wait for a long time.(因为当你拥有一辆车时,出游更方便,不用担心耽误火车或者巴士,然后再花很多时间去等)otherwise there are more and more people get rich now. The cars r not like before that only a few people can buy.And some people think get a car is a sign that u r one of the rich guys.(另外越来越多的人变的富有,车子也不想从前只有少部分人能买到,而且一些人认为有辆车是富有的标志)


Cars have been one of the most important means of transportation and brought about great changes to humen life. At past humen usually journeyed or transported the goods with the help of animals like horses. Compared with such animals, cars can make humen feel more fortable and speedy and even make it possible to carry large amount of people and goods at the same time. What's more, the invention of cars provides a lot of jobs.


Nowadays more and more families own private cars. Private cars, as the proct of modem civilization, have been playing a vital role in people's daily activities. First, private cars are a convenient means of transportation. You can go wherever you like. Secondly, there is no doubt that private cars will have a great impact on the economic growth. The rapid car instry growth will contribute much to keeping the country's economy growing at a higher rate in the near futrue. But every coin has o sides. The development of the private cars will bring about a series of problems. For example, the polluted air given off by cars will do great harm to our health, too many private cars will lead to traffic jams and a great deal of energy will be wasted and so on. So I think we should take advantages of private cars and make them serve us better. Meantime we hope that satisfactory solutions to these negative problems will be found soon. 现在,越来越多的家庭拥有私家车。










Life in the future In the future,I want a robot.It can do all kinds of housework.Itcan wash dishes and my clothes, make the bed and so on.When I want to play cards with my friends,but the player is not enough,it can join us.I also have a car that can drive itself.The cars don't need oil and water is the fuel of cars.It won't make noise and cause polution.In holiday,I will take the spaceship to visit moon.Moon is a good place .There are many places of interst to go . Moon palace is the beautiful hotel in the moon.




” 要说起未来的智能汽车,那可真是五花八门了。







智能汽车是陆海两用的交通工具,在海面上,它的轮胎会逐渐变大,车就变成了船在海面上行驶,自驾游去海边时就不需要花钱买船票了! 未来的智能汽车是非常完美的!...

转载请注明出处作文大全网 » 电影智能汽车英语作文

Ⅶ 跪求一篇写新能源汽车的英语作文! 本人高中。。

Environmental protection everybody has a responsibility
Now,the pollution already has become the globalization question.The air,Haihe river,the soil pollution extremely is all harmful to the humanity and the zoology and botany
For example,because present automobile more and more many,therefore the waste gas discharges also day by day increases,as the matter stands our air is polluted extremely seriously,this is extremely harmful to our health.Also,the water source under ours destruction,the pollution extremely is also serious,again like this gets down our humanity to be able to perish.
For our humanity,therefore we must adopt the effective action antipollution,the purification environment,protects the ecological equilibrium.For example,we may the afforestation prevent soil erosion.We may develop the new energy and so on.Environmental protection everybody has a responsibility.

Ⅷ 新能源汽车及智能汽车的发展意义何在


Ⅸ 求帮写英语作文 写未来的智能汽车(smart car)

Many years later, we are driving smart cars on the road. Smart cars are amazing. They can take you sightseeing in the sky or to the sea.

Whenever you go to school and mom and dad can't send you to school, the smart car will drive automatically. As long as you tell its address, the smart car will take you to the place you want to go. Send it to school and tell it to be smaller, smaller , make the smart car as small as a mobile phone, and then put it in the bag, you can go to school.

After the holiday, we can take the smart car to travel, go to the city or go to the countryside. When there is a traffic jam, the smart car will grow a pair of wings and fly past the vehicles in front. When you have trouble finding a place to stay, the smart car becomes a place to stay for the night.

When you are at the seaside, the smart car will become a submarine and take you to play in the sea. In the submarine, the window opens slowly. I can touch the sand and stone with my hand, and then I touch the small fish. Then you will find that the water outside the window will not flow in.

Do you want a car like this?






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