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⑵ 跪求汽車論文摘要英文翻譯

Society into the information network era, the requirements of the vehicle no longer be satisfied with a means of transport, but also want to live and work car is an extension of the scope, in the car like in their own office and home work and life. At the same time, the growing automotive electronics and also the rapid development of automotive technology was considered in the development process of a revolution of automotive electronics is a measure of the degree is seen as an important level of Hyundai Motor signs. With computer technology, communication technology, the rapid development of integrated circuit technology in order to figure represented Fieldbus field instrument, equipment, a large number of applications, red tape has been the scene of a single simple connection of fieldbus networks in place of, the quality of signal transmission also greatly improved, cars have begun to enter the Internet Age.
In the last decade, the users of motor vehicles for the comfort, safety and environmental requirements such as performance improved. In order to meet these ever-increasing demand for computer-controlled vehicle electrical and electronic equipment increased dramatically, making vehicles (especially cars) the design of the layout of electrical circuits has become increasingly difficult. In addition, a variety of automotive electrical and electronic connector of the ensuing surge in the number of motor vehicles traveling on the course because of the failure point connector automotive electrical and electronic equipment on the issue of failure to perform its functions more and more prominent. To address these problems, many new models (especially the high-end models) the beginning of the development of the wider use of computer network technology. In this paper, computer network technology in the automotive application of the basic principles of network technology on the inside and outside the vehicle, the introction of the internal network, introced the characteristics of automotive and automotive standards for the internal network, focuses on the control of the main local area network CAN characteristics and their applications.
Vehicle performance in accordance with the role of the impact of division of motor vehicle electronic procts can be summarized as two types: one is the automotive electronic control devices, including the engine, chassis and body electronic control. One is car-car electronic devices, including motor vehicle information systems, navigation systems, car audio and video entertainment systems, automotive communications systems, Internet equipment.

Keywords: automotive, computer networks, local area network control, network standards

⑶ 急急急!高分求有關汽車的技術方面的英文論文,最好還有中文翻譯!


⑷ 哪位大神可以給我一篇汽車維修方面的論文,英文的哦 謝謝噠、0.0

⑸ 求助 數據流技術在汽車維修中的應用研究 論文 英文參考文獻 及 2000英文單詞的論文


⑹ 求英文的有關汽車專業的文章,2000字左右

Cars in America(美國的汽車)

Cars in America

Cars are an important part of life
in the United States. The car made the United
on wheels.
it helped to make the United States what it is today.

There are three main reasons why the car became so popular in the United States. First of all the country is a huge one and Americans like to move around in it. The cars provide the most comfortable and cheapest form of transportation.

The second reason that cars are popular is the fact that the United States never really developed an efficient and inexpensive form of public transportation. Long-distance trains have never been as common in the United States as they are in other parts of the world. Nowadays there is a good system of air service provided by planes. But it is too expensive to be used frequently.

The third reason is the most important one, though. The American spirit of independence is what really made cars popular. Americans don't like to wait for a bus, or a train or even a plane. They don't like to have to follow an exact timetable.And the freedom a car gives them is what Americans want most to have.

The decrease of gas supplies has caused a big problem for Americans. But the answer will not be a bigger system of public transportation. The real solution will have to be a new kind of car, one that does not use so much gas.

⑺ 關於汽車維修的論文,誰能給我一篇參考




⑻ 汽車論文英文翻譯

Airbag works
A typical air bag system consists of two components: collision detection ignition device (or sensor), air bag gas generator (or air bag). When the sensor activated switch, the control circuit is in working condition began and by the detection circuit to determine whether he has the collision occurred. If the signals from two sensors simultaneously, then the role will be to start the airbag. Generator and battery as the car in front is usually easy to damage the site, therefore, airbag control system are equipped with their own power to ensure that the role play. In determining the conditions of cast right after the airbag, the control circuit current will be sent to ignition, by rapid transient heating, the propellant containing sodium nitride light. In the near-explosive chemical reaction occurs rapidly at the same time, will proce much sound to nitrogen-based gas, the balloon inflated to the full state, and by a strong impact, air bags can be washed on the steering wheel cover and open fully expanded to protect the drivers head from harm. At the same time in the process of burning propellant, ignition assy in cooled metal mesh cover can be rapid expansion of the gas, then a small balloon may be well designed exhaust vents to play graally buffering function and to avoid the body continues hinder the move of sight after the collision.
Need of special note is the only sensor to meet certain conditions it will work. Airbag sensor there are many, in part, or leveraged by penlum switch, there is the spring loaded wheel-style, in addition to procts with mercury switches. But whatever type of sensor switch, must have sufficient impact force to make switch start, while the impact force must come from the positive direction Caixing. Usually the impact force is about equal to the speed of 25-50 km around the results generated by the collision fixtures. When the car by this high-speed collision, installed in the vehicle front collision sensors and the central fitted in the car safety sensors can detect the sudden deceleration speed, and this signal is passed to the airbag system, the rapid control of the computer, the computer through the analysis confirmed only after we set off airbags electric hot bag of firearms, so that a rapid expansion of air bags.
It has been calculated to be formal airbags a car crash in 0.01 seconds after the start of work within the microprocessor, 0.03 seconds, ignition start, 0.05 seconds, high pressure gas into air bags, 0.08 seconds out balloon inflated balloon within 0.11 seconds completely swollen, at the moment, the drivers will hit the air bag.
Visible, open or not with the impact airbag angle and impact velocity have the general turn in the car, minor collisions, side impact or rear collision, the airbags will not open, such as upgraded version of the Santana 2000 car around the front less than 30 degrees are only open when the airbag hit. Another point, in terms of impact velocity Duiyu, airbag system in the determination of the rection of striking speed of the vehicle is, therefore, in security, collision experiment, generally are not so Che straight Di Yi Dong and can not hit the Qiangshang Bianxing

⑼ 關於汽車保養的專業英文單詞

汽車維護Vehicle maintenance
汽車修理Vehicle repair
汽車維修制度System of vehicle maintenance and repair
汽車維修性Maintainability of vehicle
汽車技術狀況Technical Condition of Vehicle
汽車完好技術狀況Good condition of vehicle
汽車不良狀況Bad condition of vehicle
汽車工作能力Working ability of vehicle
汽車技術狀況參數Parameters for technical condition of vehicle
汽車極限技術狀況Limiting condition of vehicle
汽車技術狀況變化規律Regularity for change of technical condition of vehicle
運行缺陷Operational defect
製造缺陷Manufacturing defect
設計缺陷Design defect
事故性缺陷Accidental defect
汽車耗損Vehicle wear-out
汽車零件磨損Wear of vehicle part
磨損過程Wear process
正常磨損Normal wear
極限磨損Limiting wear
允許磨損Permissible wear
磨損率Wear rate
機械磨損Mechanical wear
化學損耗Chemical wear
熱磨損Thermic wear
疲勞磨損Fatigue wear
腐蝕性磨損Corrosion wear
故障磨損Failure wear
疲勞 Fatigue
汽車故障Vehicle failure
完全故障Complete failure
局部故障Partial failure
致命故障Critical failure
嚴重故障Major failure
一般故障Minor failure
汽車故障現象Symptom of vehicle failure
搶氣Mixture robbery
嗆油Fuel fouling
飛車Run way
工作粗暴Rough running
回火Back fire
自燃現象Dieseling (after run)
火花(點火)爆燃Spark knock
燃料爆燃Fuel knock (gas knock)
過度停頓Flat spot
調速器工作不勻Governor hunting
濾清器阻塞Clogged filter
(氣缸)上油Oil pumping
(柴油噴射系)滲漏滴油After dripping
(燃料系)氣阻Vapor lock
結膠Gum deposit
拉缸Cylinder score
咬缸Cylinder sticking
軸頸擦傷Journal score
拉瓦Bearing score
化油器結冰Carburetor icing
活塞敲缸Piston knock (piston slap)
活塞裙部擠扁Collapse of piston skirt
氣門挺桿發響Tappet noise (valve knock)
氣門彈簧顫動Valve spring surge
(蓄電池)過度放電Over discharge
(火花塞)鉛沉積Lead fouling
(火花塞)積碳Carbon fouling
真空提前失效Defective vacuum advance
高壓線跳火錯亂Secondary wire crossfiring
轉向反沖Steering kickback
離合器炸裂Clutch explosion
制動踏板發軟Spongy brake pedal
制動踏板費力Hard pedal
制動器發響Noisy brake
制動踏板過低Low brake pedal
制動盤擺動Disc runout
制動失效Brake fade
減振器失效Defective shock absorber
輪胎燒耗Burn rubber
輪胎急速磨耗Peel rubber
漂滑效應Hydro-planning (aqua-planning)
(由於緊急制動)緊急滑行Impending skid
異響Abnormal knocking
失控Out of control
乏力Lack of power
污染超限Illegal exhaust and noise
費油Excessive consumption of fuel and oil
故障率Failure rate
平均故障率的觀察值Observed mean failure rate
故障樹型分析法Fault tree analysis
汽車維護類別Class of vehicle maintenance
定期維護Periodic maintenance
季節性維護Seasonal maintenance
技術保養Technical service
保養周期Service cycle
保養里程Mileage between services
每日保養Daily service
冬季保養Winter check-up
夏季保養Summer check-up
走合維護Running-in maintenance
汽車修理類別Class of vehicle repair
汽車大修Major repair of vehicle
汽車中修Medium repair of vehicle
汽車小修Current repair of vehicle
總成修理Unit repair
零件修理Parts repair
計劃修理Scheled repair
定期修理Regulating repair
視情修理Repair on technical condition
非計劃修理Unscheled repair
修理里程Mileage between repair
單獨修理Indivial repair
汽車報廢Motor vehicle liquidation
汽車維護工藝Technology of Vehicle Maintenance
汽車維護作業Operation of vehicle maintenance
汽車維護工藝過程Technological process of vehicle maintenance
汽車修理工藝Technology of vehicle repair
汽車修理工藝過程Technological process of vehicle repair
技術檢驗Technical checking
零件檢驗分類Inspection and classification of parts
冷磨合Cold running-in
熱磨合Hot running-in
修理尺寸Repair size
走(磨)合期Running-in period
走(磨)合過程Running-in process
走(磨)合工況Running-in conditions
加速磨損期Period of accelerated wear
極限間隙Limiting clearance
允許間隙Permissible clearance
裝配間隙Assembling clearance
汽車維修工藝設備Technological equipment of vehicle maintenance and repair
汽車修理技術標准Technical standard of vehicle repair
汽車診斷 Vehicle diagnosis
汽車檢測Detecting test of vehicle
診斷參數Diagnostic parameters
診斷規范Diagnostic norms
汽車維修管理Administration of Vehicle Maintenance
汽車維護方法Method of vehicle maintenance
汽車維護流水作業法Flow method of vehicle maintenance
汽車維護定位作業法Method of vehicle maintenance on universal post
汽車修理方法Method of vehicle repair
汽車修理流水作業法Flow method of vehicle repair
汽車修理定位作業法Method of vehicle repair on universal post
總成互換修理法Unit exchange repairing method
周轉總成Reversible unit
混裝修理法Depersonalized repair method
就車修理法Personalized repair method
汽車維修指標Indices of vehicle maintenance and repair
汽車維護生產綱領Proction program of vehicle maintenance
汽車修理生產綱要Proction program of vehicle repair
汽車維修周期Period of vehicle maintenance
汽車診斷周期Period of vehicle diagnosis
汽車維修竣工輛次Number of vehicle being received from maintenance or repair
汽車大修平均在廠車日Average days in plant ring major of vehicles
汽車大修平均在修車日Average days ring major repair of vehicles
汽車大修平均工時Average man-hours of vehicle maintenance and repair
汽車維修平均費用Average costs of vehicle maintenance and repair
汽車大修返修率Returning rate of major repair of vehicle
汽車小修頻率Frequency of current repair of vehicles
汽車大修間隔里程Average interval mileage of major repair of vehicles
汽車修理工人實物勞動生產率Labour proctivity of repair-man
汽車維護企業Enterprise of vehicle maintenance and repair
汽車維護場(站)Maintenance depot (station) of vehicles
汽車修理廠Vehicle repair plant
汽車總成修理廠Unit repair plant for vehicle
汽車診斷站Vehicle diagnosis station
汽車檢測站Detecting test station of vehicle
汽車維修網點Network of vehicle maintenance and repair
汽車維修工具和設備Instrument and Device for Vehicle Maintenance and Repair
花扳手Ring spanner
雙頭扳手Double-ended spanner
鯉魚鉗Combination pilers
輪胎螺栓扳手Wheel wrench
厚度規Feeler gauge
桿式氣缸量規Bar-type cylinder gauge
氣缸壓力表Cylinder compressor gauge
活塞台鉗Piston vice
活塞加熱器Piston heater
活塞環工具Piston ring tool
活塞環鉗(活塞環拆裝鉗)Piston ring pliers (piston ring tongs)
壓環器Piston ring compressor
活塞環銼Piston ring file
活塞銷拉器Piston-pin extractor
連桿校正器Connecting rod alignment fixture
氣門座刀具Valve seat cutter
氣門彈簧壓縮器Valve spring compressor
氣門研磨工具Valve grinding tool (valve lapper)
調整氣門間隙扳手Tappet wrench
浮子室液面儀Float level gauge
歧管壓力表Manifold pressure gauge set
點火正時燈(正時觀測燈)Ignition timing light (stroboscope)
燃燒分析儀Combustion tester
斷電器觸點閉合角Dwell meter
火花塞間隙量規Plug gap gauge
火花塞套筒扳手Spark plug box (socket) spanner
蓄電池液體比重計Battery hydrometer
汽車架Car stand (jack stand)
輪軸架Axle stand
前束量尺Toe-in gauge
外傾測量器Camber gauge
制動踏板壓下器Brake depressor
制動器放氣軟管Hose for brake bleeding
車架量規Frame gauge
輪轂拆卸器Hub puller
車輪拆卸器Wheel wrench
打氣筒Tire pump
螺旋千斤頂Screw jack
輪胎壓力計Pressure gauge
油壺Oil can
手油泵Manual fuel pump
黃油槍Grease gun
起動搖把Starting crank
工具袋Tool bag
車身修整工具Body bumping tool
發動機測功機Engine dynamometer
發動機綜合試驗機Engine analyzer
發動機示波器Engine scope (oscillograph)
電子診斷式發動機試驗儀Electronic-diagnostic engine tester
滾筒式測功試驗台Roller type dynamometer (test bed)
發動機加速測功儀Free acceleration engine tester
容積式油耗計Volumetric fuel meter
紅外線廢氣分析儀Infrared rays exhaust gas analyzer
異響診斷儀Abnormal engine noise diagnosis equipment
氣缸漏氣率檢驗儀Cylinder leak tester
發動機分析儀Engine analysis apparatus
進氣歧管真空度表Intake manifold vacuum meter
氣缸壓力表Cylinder pressure gauge
調整用的試驗檢測儀Tune-up tester
底盤測功機Chassis dynamometer
底盤潤滑機Chassis lubricator
曲軸箱竄氣量測定儀Blow-by meter
反作用力制動試驗台Reaction type brake tester
慣性式制動試驗台Inertia type brake tester
轉向盤間隙測量儀Steering wheel freeplay gauge
測滑試驗台Side-slip checking stand
前照燈檢驗儀Head light checking equipment
氣缸孔垂直檢驗儀Cylinder perpendicularity gauge
主軸承座孔同軸度檢驗儀Main bearing aligning gauge
移動式車輪平衡機Portable wheel balancer
固定式車輪平衡機Wheel balancer
車輪動平衡機Dynamic wheel balancer
鏜缸機Cylinder boring machine
氣缸珩磨機Cylinder honing machine
直線鏜削機Line borer
氣門修整機Valve reseater
(活塞)銷孔珩磨機Pinhole honer
曲軸磨床Crankshaft grinding machine
氣門研磨機Valve grinding machine
氣門面磨光機Valve refacer
氣門座磨光機Valve seat grinder
氣門座偏心磨光機Eccentric valve seat grinder
研磨機Lapping machine
電子點火試驗器Electronic ignition tester
點火線圈試驗器Ignition coil tester
氖管火花試驗器Neon spark tester
電容器試驗器Condenser tester
電樞試驗器Armature tester
制動盤專用車床Disc lathe
制動蹄片磨削裝置Brake shoe grinder
制動鼓車床Brake drum lathe
制動液自動更換裝置Brake flusher
(液壓)制動系空氣排除器Brake bleeder






Air filter 空氣濾清器
Fuel filter 機油濾清器
Oil filter 燃油濾清器
Brake pad 剎車片
Spare tire 備胎
Engine 發動機
Wiper blade雨刮器
Clutch 離合器
clutch disc 離合器盤
Radiator 散熱器
Suspension 懸杠
Rubber parts 橡膠件
Brake disc 剎車盤
Brake Shoes 剎車蹄
Shock absorber 減震器
Fan clutch 風扇離合器
Water Pump 水泵
Oil pump 燃油泵
fuel Pump 機油泵
Horn 蝸牛喇叭
Engine oil level Sensor 油位感測器
Knock sensor 敲缸感測器
combination rear lamp 後備箱燈
Belt Drive 皮帶驅動
Gaskets 墊片
Regulator 調節器
Steering 轉向系統
Air Flow sensor 空氣流量計
Brake Fluid 制動液
Lubrication 潤滑劑
Cleaner 清洗劑
Antifreeze 防凍劑

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