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❻ 05款比亞迪f3怎麼加裝前霧燈
❼ 2011款比亞迪f0安裝前霧燈
Thursday, July 21, 2005Today we saw a movie at noon and in the afternoon. It』s name suggested that it was a horrific one, but it wasn』t horrific at all. We finished watching at 5:30pm, and walked to our dormitories when we got there, it was 6:00. we had our dinner as quickly as we could and then rushed to the classroom. I』ve never been in such a hurry! In the afternoon we acted. We watched to a short play for three times and the teacher asked us to act. It was a little difficult, because we couldn』t remember all the sentences by watching the play for three times. We tried to remember something. Though the play had been changed a little, it was still very good we all acted very well. The teacher also gave some group prizes. Though my group hadn』t hot once, I didn』t mind.There is one thing that made me very happy. One of my classmates said 「happy birthday 」 to me by sending a message. Though it was late, I still felt happy.
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❾ 05款比亞迪f3怎麼加裝前霧燈 雖然論壇上有好多帖子 但是都是新款的f3呀