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發布時間: 2021-05-30 11:15:18

㈠ 今天坐公交車的時候,車上放了一首歌,MV里是好幾個穿古裝的女的在跳舞。

片頭曲:[穿越] 張萌 王海祥
片尾曲:[美麗的神話] 胡歌 白冰
插曲:[星月神話] 金莎
插曲:[六字歌] 黃嫣 陳佳峰
插曲:[記得彩虹] 張萌

㈡ 尋一首歌,MV開頭是街上很多汽車,有女的在車上跳舞,後來是跳街舞的。美國MV,求名字啊!!!

Miley Cyrus - Party In The USA

㈢ 韓國頂級車模,分手後,視頻被男友流出1里的美女跳舞歌曲是什麼


㈣ 一首泰國歌曲,兩女兩男唱的,在車上換裙子,跳舞很嗨


㈤ 鈴木車模熱舞時的背景音樂是什麼歌曲


㈥ 找一首歌 很久以前聽的 MV的開頭是一個女的從車上下來 然後貌似走進酒吧吧 然後在裡面跳舞 很性感的


㈦ 一首英文歌曲。我在一個視頻上看到的。就是一個女的在車里跳舞的音樂。還有一個男的偷看了她


㈧ qq飛車里有首歌mv裡面有個女的穿的很時尚在跳舞

思密達。 好歹給個鏈接瞅瞅。

㈨ 神話放送e14 他們去MT在車上跳舞時的第4首歌叫什麼

是找這首 We No Speak Americano -- Yolanda Be Cool 吧~ 從第18秒左右開始~
超帶感的 我也好喜歡呢~

㈩ ktv有首舞曲車模很誘人的是什麼歌求

Fly away
Corrinne May
When will you be home? she asks
as we watch the planes take off
We both know we have no clear answer
to where my dreams may lead
She's watched me as I crawled and stumbled
As a child' she was my world
And now to let me go' I know she bleeds
and yet she says to me
You can fly so high
Keep your gaze upon the sky
I'll be praying every step along the way
Even though it breaks my heart to know we'll be so far apart
I love you too much to make you stay
Baby fly away
Autumn leaves fell into spring time and
Silver-painted hair
Daddy called one evening saying
"We need you. Please come back"
When I saw her laying in her bed
Fragile as a child
Pale just like an angel taking flight
I held her as I cried
You can fly so high
Keep your gaze upon the sky
I'll be praying every step along the way
Even though it breaks my heart to know we'll be so far apart
I love you too much to make you stay
Baby fly away
I love you too much to make you stay
Baby fly away

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