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⑴ 介紹豪車的紀錄片

您好 Top Gear 是全球最大的真人秀節目 裡面有介紹豪車的資料 還帶一點娛樂性 是英國BBC公司的榮譽出品

⑵ 世界上都有哪些頂級豪車


1、布加迪的Pur SangVeyron 16.4 ,售價是2450萬。


⑶ 關於任何一輛豪車的英語簡介,三分鍾左右

Chevrolet Camaro
The Chevrolet Camaro is an automobile manufactured by General Motors (GM) under the Chevrolet brand,classified as a pony carand some versions also as a muscle car.It went on sale on September 29,1966,for the 1967 model year and was designed as a competing model to the Ford Mustang.The car shared its platform and major components with the Pontiac Firebird,also introced for 1967.
Four distinct generations of the Camaro were developed before proction ended in 2002.The nameplate was revived on a concept car that evolved into the fifth-generation Camaro; proction started on March 16,2009.
Before any official announcement,reports began running ring April 1965 within the automotive press that Chevrolet was preparing a competitor to the Ford Mustang,code-named Panther.On June 21,1966,around 200 automotive journalists received a telegram from General Motors stating,"...Please save noon of June 28 for important SEPAW meeting.Hope you can be on hand to help scratch a cat.Details will follow...(signed) John L.Cutter – Chevrolet Public Relations – SEPAW Secretary." The following day,the same journalists received another General Motors telegram stating,"Society for the Eradication of Panthers from the Automotive World will hold first and last meeting on June 28...(signed) John L.Cutter – Chevrolet Public Relations SEPAW Secretary." These telegrams puzzled the automotive journalists.
On June 28,1966,General Motors held a live press conference in Detroit』s Statler-Hilton Hotel.It would be the first time in history that 14 cities were hooked up in real time for a press conference via telephone lines.Chevrolet General Manager Pete Estes started the news conference stating that all attendees of the conference were charter members of the Society for the Elimination of Panthers from the Automotive World and that this would be the first and last meeting of SEPAW.Estes then announced a new car line,project designation XP-836,with a name that Chevrolet chose in keeping with other car names beginning with the letter C such as the Corvair,Chevelle,Chevy II,and Corvette.He claimed the name,"suggests the comradeship of good friends as a personal car should be to its owner" and that "to us,the name means just what we think the car will do...Go!" The new Camaro name was then unveiled.Automotive press asked Chevrolet proct managers,"What is a Camaro?" and were told it was "a small,vicious animal that eats Mustangs."
According to the book The Complete Book of Camaro:Every Model Since 1967,the name Camaro was conceived by Chevrolet Merchandising Manager Bob Lund and General Motors Vice President Ed Rollett,while they were reading a book Heath's French and English Dictionary by James Boïelle and by de V.Payen-Payne printed in 1936.In the book The Complete Book of Camaro,it states that Mr.Lund and Mr.Rollett found the word "camaro" in the French-English dictionary to mean "friend,pal,or comrade".The article further stated Mr.Estes statement of what the word camaro was meant to imply,that the car's name "suggests the comradeship of good friends,as a personal car should be to its owner".
The Camaro was first shown at a press preview in Detroit,Michigan,on September 12,1966,and then later in Los Angeles,California,on September 19,1966.Public introction of the new model was on September 26,1966.The Camaro officially went on sale in dealerships on September 29,1966,for the 1967 model year.
In popular culture
Bumblebee depicted as a 1974 Z28 and a 5th-gen Camaro
General Motors has made proct placement,or embedded marketing,deals for the Chevrolet Camaro in numerous media.
The vehicle mode of the fictional character Bumblebee in the 2007 film,Transformers,is first depicted as a 1977 Camaro and later a fifth-generation concept variant.A modified fifth-generation Camaro reprises the role of Bumblebee in the sequels,Transformers:Revenge of the Fallen,Transformers:Dark of the Moonand Transformers:Age of Extinction.

⑷ 豪車是什麼意思


⑸ 豪車都有哪些








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⑺ 介紹所有豪車的軟體最好全一點的


⑻ 豪華車的介紹

豪華車是英文Luxury Cars或Limousine的直譯,通常指D級車。D級車軸距一般在3000mm以上;發動機排量大於3.0升。比較常見的D級豪華車有:賓士S級、寶馬7系、奧迪A8、雷克薩斯LS、捷豹XJ等等。而超級豪華車系列,價格應該在12萬英鎊以上,也就是在20萬-30萬美元以上,換算成人民幣,都是200萬以上的車,例如賓士S65 AMG、寶馬760、奧迪A8L W12、邁巴赫齊柏林、勞斯萊斯幻影、但現在豪華車的具體概念已越來越模糊,很多人認為只要是豪華品牌生產的車型就是豪華車。

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