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celebrities'private 中文翻譯

發布時間: 2024-07-11 23:34:34

❶ 私人保姆的英文翻譯

"私人保姆"的英文翻譯為 "private nanny"。

private nanny解析如下:


英式發音:[ˈpraɪvət ˈnæni]

美式發音:[ˈpraɪvət ˈnæni]


n. 私人保姆


復數:private nannies


"private nanny"是指受雇於個人家庭的專職保姆。私人保姆的工作職責包括照顧兒童的日常生活需求,提供安全、關懷和教育。他們通常具有專業的育兒知識和經驗,並與僱主建立起親密的工作關系,以滿足家庭的需求。


1. The private nanny provides attentive care and support for the children in the family.(私人保姆為家庭中的孩子提供細心的照顧和支持。)

2. The parents hired a private nanny to take care of their infant while they were at work.(父母在上班期間雇了一位私人保姆照顧他們的嬰兒。)

3. The private nanny engages in ecational activities and playtime with the children to promote their development.(私人保姆與孩子一起參與教育活動和娛樂時間,促進他們的發展。)

4. The responsibilities of a private nanny may include meal preparation, bath time, and assisting with homework.(私人保姆的責任可能包括准備餐食、洗澡時間和幫助孩子完成作業。)


- professional private nanny - 專業私人保姆

- live-in private nanny - 住家私人保姆

- part-time private nanny - 兼職私人保姆

- experienced private nanny - 經驗豐富的私人保姆

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