天地雙腿 1978
① 譚道良演過多少部電影
上映年 作品名
1973 潮州怒漢 The Hero of The Waterfront /THE HERO FROM CHIU CHOW
1974 珠江大風暴 飾 阿唐
1975 賊公計 The conspiracy of thieves
1975 Silent Guest from Peking
1975 密宗聖手 飾 小許
1976 少林門Hand of death
1976 鬼吼斷魂刀Knife of The Devil』s Roaring Soul Missing
1976 南拳北腿活閻王The hot, the cool and the vicious
1976 日落紫禁城Sunset in The Forbidden City / Fist to Kill
1976 傳奇方世玉Young Hero of Shaolin
1976 火燒紅蓮寺Story in Temple Red Lily
1976 十三太保李存孝 General stone
1977 方世玉大破梅花樁 Secret of the shaolin poles
1977 太極八蛟Shaolin Deadly Kicks / Deadly Kicks/ Flash Legs
1977 神拳霸腿追魂手The Boxer』s Adventure
1977 決斗太陽塔 Duel with the devils
1977 千刀萬里追 Super dragon/ Dynasty 空飛ぶ十字剣
1977 雍正命喪少林門The Shaolin invincibles
1978 鱷魚頭煞星 The tattoo connection
1978 龍拳蛇手斗蜘蛛 Challenge of death
1978旋風方世玉The prodigal boxer
1978 蛇鶴丹心震九洲Snake and Crane Secret
1978一代英豪Hero of the time
1978 胡惠乾血戰西襌寺Show Down at The Cotton Mill
1978 天地雙腿Dual flying kicks
1979 血肉磨坊 Blooded treasury fight
1979 冷刀染紅英雄血 Revenge of the shaolin master
1979 Scorching Sun Fierce Wind Wild Fire
1979 金劍Revenger
1980 風流殘劍血無痕 The mask of vengence
1980 南北腿王 The leg fighters/The invicible kung fu legs
1980 苦漁女神龍 Heroin Tribulation / Sea Dragon Goddess
1980 八絕 The eight escorts
1981 功夫皇帝The kung fu emperor
1982 血戰大二膽
1982 小刀會 Godfathers of fury/ Little Knife Party
1982 最後一口氣Last Breath
猛龍壁虎小拳王The Dragon, The Lizard, The Boxer
英雄出少年The Guy with Secret Kun Fu