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發布時間: 2022-03-07 11:32:22

⑴ 我想去韓國旅遊,請問到是否只用英語就可以暢通無阻了請給我介紹一些經典路線,大概整個下來的花費預算



濟州島可以去 漢拿山 智異山國家公園 濟州民俗博物館 泰迪熊博物館 龍頭岩
正房瀑布 萬丈窟 山君不離等景點

有景福宮 德壽宮 青瓦台古代建築
東大門 南大門 購物市場
南山谷韓屋村 的古代民俗住宅 幸運的話還可以看到韓國傳統婚禮
華克山莊 賭場 購物中心等高級設施為一體的6星級酒店
鴨鷗亭德奧街 流行趨勢的方向標 到處都是流行時髦的店面 幸運的話還可能遇到明星
還有大韓生命63 韓國最高的大樓

韓國還有好多游樂場 例如樂天游樂場 還有室內大型游樂場

除了這兩個地方 還有京畿道 釜山 都有很好的自然景觀





⑵ 求「寫一篇關於韓國旅遊英語作文」,謝謝大家!!

South Korea is the coexistence of a new, ch arming country solemn andmysterious. Korean tourists to be found, modern country has hos ted the 1988 Summer Olympic Games, still re tains the ancient oriental civilization -- the essence of ancient palace, the magnificent a ncient city gate and quiet temples. Koreans are pushing their dishes: Bibimbap, R oast Beef with fame spreading far and wide, and the pickled cabbage. 韓國是一個新舊並存,靜穆神秘的迷人國 家。來韓遊客將會發現,這個曾主辦過198 8年夏季奧運會的現代化國家,仍然保留著 古東方文明的精髓——歷代古宮、壯麗的 古城門和寧靜的寺廟。 大韓民族卻力推他們的名菜:石鍋拌飯、 烤牛肉、和名聞遐邇的泡 菜。

⑶ 高中英語作文 my favorite city 首爾 英語作文 最好帶翻譯 急需!!!

Beijing,one of the most beautiful cities in the world,is one of my favorite cities.There are many interest places to go in Beijing.There are three that I like most,and they are Forbidden City,Tienanmen Square,and Great Wall.I still remember the first time that I went to Beijing.It was summer time,and I really feel tired after I visited the Great Wall,because the weather is too hot.Besides these interest places,I also love the food in Beijing.For example,the Peking ck and hot pot are my favorite.Thus,Beijing is my favorite city.


⑷ 去韓國旅行,不懂韓文和英文,有關系嗎


⑸ 英語作文:假定你是李華,暑假在韓國旅遊期間入住某賓館508房間,8月1日入住,8日退房。你回家後

t's good that you know what prevents you achieving satisfying scores in exams. But remember, even the very best can make mistakes sometimes. So, don't put too much pressure on yourself.
Learning from the errors you've made in the past exams is an effective way to avoid making the same mistakes next time. If you have problems you cannot solve, turn to your teacher or classmates for advice.
When you attend the exam, plan how to distribute your time according to the number of questions. Spare a few minutes to review your work in order that you can spot the silly mistakes.
Enjoy the challenge each new exam brings. I believe a good learning habit can eventually help you gain success.

⑹ 韓國旅遊英語作文三篇玩,吃,買


⑺ 去韓國漢拿山旅遊英語作文

Several days ago, my family went to Mountain Halla in South Korea. We took flying there. There are a lot of trees around the mountain, and clouds around half of the mountain. When we walked into the mountain, we could hear nothing except for birds. We could see strange stones and water from the spring. The day was sunny, we could climb the moutain quickly. We got the top of the mountain within two hours. Nobody felt tired but very happy. There was beautiful. In the afternoon, when we dicided to go back, we found it was difficult, we must be careful. Luckily, we got ground without nothing happened over four hours, at that time, we all felt tired, but we thought it was worthy to do it.

⑻ 去韓國旅遊的英語作文 100

In last summer vacation ,I went to Beijing with my family.First ,we went to the Great Wall,where we met a lot of foreigners and we also took a lot of photos.They all like our culture and beautiful senery.Second.we went to the summer palace ,where the previous emporers spent summer in the old days.Third,we went to the Forbidden City .Finally ,we went to Wangfujing Street where we tasted much delicious food.In a word,we had a great time ring the vacation and we leanred a lot from this tour

⑼ 首爾旅遊問答 去韓國逛街使用英文可以嗎

准備去韓國旅遊(首爾旅遊)了,但是不會韓語。逛街的時候,使用英文和韓國人可以交流嗎?一般的商場或者商業街,都可以使用英文嗎?個人英文水平還可以,如果用英文和韓國人溝通順暢嗎?答案:在韓國很多大型商場、機場、免稅店等地方,均可以使用英文。購物時會有售貨員為您提供外語服務。在一些大型的購物街,百貨商店,免稅店等地方購物,使用英文均可以溝通。 但是,在一些傳統商業街、食品店或者傳統市場,使用英文就有一些困難。如果需要去這些地方購物,最好臨時學幾句簡單的購物用韓語。或者將所需要的句子抄寫在隨身攜帶的本子上,必要時也會很有用。 另外,在一些國外遊客經常出沒的購物商街,如明洞商街、旅遊紀念品商店等購物地點,一些商戶和店鋪可以提供中文導購服務。

⑽ 麻煩翻譯一段關於韓國的英文

Korean culture is a lot of our China-past, so many South Koreans are more practice we can accept, or feel more familiar.

South Korea because of the love I have great motivation to learn Korean, so I use every day of the Han Chinese more time than some. My favorite is the capital of Seoul, South Korea, because the city has a large and small, like Hong Kong, and the slope, the road is also very narrow, very taste of life.

Reference to South Korea, have said that the kimchi. In Korea, there are 187 kinds of kimchi, intimidating is not it? And the most common, it should be considered to be a cabbage kimchi, which is Korean for each dinner table is essential.

South Korea's more recent well-known universities, although not as Britain and the United States, but ecation is also very good strength, not your tuition fees. In Korea, I think the biggest problem is the cost of living. As you are aware, the current prices in Seoul and Tokyo have been flat or even higher than that of Tokyo. Therefore, in my view, is a South Korean tourism to the country, is not suitable for a living.

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