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發布時間: 2021-04-25 15:33:23

A. 跪求一篇寫新能源汽車的英語作文!

Environmental protection everybody has a responsibility
Now, the pollution already has become the globalization question. The air, Haihe river, the soil pollution extremely is all harmful to the humanity and the zoology and botany
For example, because present automobile more and more many, therefore the waste gas discharges also day by day increases, as the matter stands our air is polluted extremely seriously, this is extremely harmful to our health. Also, the water source under ours destruction, the pollution extremely is also serious, again like this gets down our humanity to be able to perish.

For our humanity, therefore we must adopt the effective action antipollution, the purification environment, protects the ecological equilibrium. For example, we may the afforestation prevent soil erosion. We may develop the new energy and so on. Environmental protection everybody has a responsibility.

B. 關於新能源汽車的英文介紹

this paper firstly provides the connotation of new energy automobile,and then gives us an introction of the development of the new energy automobile,and on the foregoing basis summarizes those factors that will restrict the development of the new energy automobile,and in the end proposes relevant measures for the development therein.

C. 跪求一篇寫新能源汽車的英語作文! 本人高中。。

Environmental protection everybody has a responsibility
Now,the pollution already has become the globalization question.The air,Haihe river,the soil pollution extremely is all harmful to the humanity and the zoology and botany
For example,because present automobile more and more many,therefore the waste gas discharges also day by day increases,as the matter stands our air is polluted extremely seriously,this is extremely harmful to our health.Also,the water source under ours destruction,the pollution extremely is also serious,again like this gets down our humanity to be able to perish.
For our humanity,therefore we must adopt the effective action antipollution,the purification environment,protects the ecological equilibrium.For example,we may the afforestation prevent soil erosion.We may develop the new energy and so on.Environmental protection everybody has a responsibility.

D. 發展 新能源汽車 是我國從汽車大國走向汽車強國的必由之路 英語怎麼說


發展,新能源汽車 是我國從汽車大國走向汽車強國的必由之路。

The development of new energy vehicles is the only way for China to move from a big automobile country to an automobile power.

E. 全球新能源汽車技術分析與研究英文怎麼寫

Analysis and Research on new energy vehicle technology in the world

F. 求一篇英語作文,簡述中國汽車發展,100詞至200詞!哪位大蝦幫幫忙!

In this there is also some of the carbon trading mechanisms, such as emission rections for developed countries to bear when the emission rection targets by developing countries to rece subsidies in developing countries to achieve the objective of recing emissions. The emissions of six greenhouse gas emissions which, we believe that this which can make a rection in the amount of calculation, the total of the plate in the inside, the United States decreased by 30 million tonnes of emissions, then how such emission rections it ? An energy efficient way, such as building energy accounted for 40% to 50%, the cost is relatively low, transportation accounted for 20% to 30% more money another way
Such as investment in new energy vehicles, this car is more expensive, the cheapest way is to segment solar, we have the economic effect of speaking, solar energy is the most economical, then the amount of building is the largest.
Low-carbon economic revolution fourth birth, the first economic revolution was the steam engine, the second instrial revolution is the power, the third is the information revolution, this time in a new energy revolution, to prevent the depletion of renewable energy to prevent global warming, action to save the planet.
Now countries are increasing the proportion of new energy sources, this is the year 2020 20% of transportation energy, is in change, energy consumption is also changing. New energy revolution, the top place is a power aspects, such as the United States standards, the United States in 2020 is 25%, Britain 30%, China's target is very ambitious, we feel that in the traditional economy which has reached a limit, the urban population is now an average of 200 million tons per steel, when the largest output in the United States is so great,
So from now we look at iron and steel proction capacity is already a surplus, but in its development of new energy, the speed is very large, such as solar, we basically from scratch, wind energy's growth is very fast, these instries We believe that high growth companies, you save up the economy beyond the traditional to the inventory of another problem, but the new energy economy, then it is a very great demand.
Current solar energy market is from Spain and Germany, led the two small countries, with the United States, China, Japan to subsidize solar energy after the beginning, we believe that the largest solar market after should be in there among the three countries, solar energy is scratch, we feel that its space is very huge.
Wind power, then China's generating capacity is 800 million million, the current wind power is the closest to the cost of thermal power reached 0.4 to 0.6 yuan, we have now is the world's fourth largest wind power installed capacity of the country, the pace of growth is very fast , is expected to soon be able to surpass the U.S. as the world's first wind-power generators States.
If nuclear power, France, Korea, Japan, the very fast development in this instry, our development of space will be very great. Network connection, because the load ring the day and night is not the same load, so there is a process of division-type online, interactive generation, then electricity before you, but since you installed solar panels at home, you to generate electricity, you can also sell power grid, which is an interactive situation.
New energy power generation of the most important change is the new energy vehicles, because the automotive instry worldwide 800 million, this year we China has surpassed the U.S. as the automotive consumer, that rate continues, this energy are not enough, so the faster development of this instry, then, so we need new energy vehicles to solve this problem, you have to buy a car, car and resource constraints of the conflict, it is necessary to solve the new energy vehicles. For the old economy, the status of a recession, but if the new economy, its development and space are very large.
Now the new energy vehicle is divided into three growth levels, a car, battery, battery materials there, this regard, we believe that a revolution will happen, now the core of the new energy instry is the battery, wind power to energy storage, nucleus is unstable, this network also need batteries, battery energy storage is the new tool is called the fourth meeting of the Instrial Revolution.中文翻譯是在這個裡面還有一些碳交易的機制,比如發達國家在承擔減排量的時候,可以通過發展中國家的減排指標來達到減少資助發展中國家的減少排放的目的。這個排放裡面六種溫室氣體的排放,我們認為這個裡面可以做出一個減排的量的測算,在這個總的盤子裡面,美國減少30億噸的排放量的話,這種減排怎麼減排呢?一種節能的方式,比如建築物節能佔了40%~50%,成本是比較低的,交通運輸佔了20%~30%,另外一個比較花錢的方式,比如投資新能源汽車,這種汽車是比較貴的,最便宜的方式是分部式太陽能,我們從經濟效果來講,太陽能是最經濟的,那麼建築物的量是最大的。低碳催生第四次經濟革命,第一次經濟革命是蒸汽機,第二次產業革命是電力,第三次是信息革命,那麼這一次又是新能源革命,防止再生能源的枯竭,防止地球變暖,拯救地球的行動。現在各個國家正在提高新能源的比例,這個都是在2020年之前達到20%左右,能源的運輸方式也是在發生變化,能源消費方式也是發生變化。新能源革命發生最上面的是一個電源方面的情況,比如美國的標准,到2020年美國是25%,英國是30%,中國的目標也是非常宏大的,大家覺得在傳統的經濟裡面已經達到了一個極限,現在城市人口平均每個人平均兩億噸的鋼,在美國產量最大的時候也就是這么大,所以從現在來看我們鋼鐵的產能已經是過剩的了,但是在新能源方面它的發展速度是非常大的,比如太陽能我們基本上是從零起步,風能的增速也是非常快的,這些行業我們認為是高成長的企業,你就傳統的經濟救起來以後還有一個去庫存化的問題,但是新能源經濟的話,它的需求是非常大的。目前太陽能的市場是由西班牙和德國這兩個小國家在主導,隨著美國、中國、日本對太陽能開始補貼以後,我們認為太陽能以後的最大的市場應該會在這三個國家當中出現,太陽能是零起步,我們覺得它的空間是非常巨大的。風電的話,中國的發電容量是8億千萬,目前風電是最接近火電成本的,達到0.4到0.6元,我們現在已經是全球第四大的風電裝機國,成長的速度也是非常快的,預計很快可以超過美國,成為世界第一大風電裝機國。核電的話,法國、韓國、日本發展的非常快,在這個行業,我們的發展空間也會非常的巨大。電網方面,因為現在白天的負荷和晚上的負荷是不一樣的,這樣就有一個分部式上網的過程,互動式發電的話,以前你是用電的,但是以後你家裡裝了太陽能面板,你可以發電,還可以賣給電網,這就是一個互動式的情況。新能源發電最重要的變革就是新能源汽車,因為汽車行業在全球有8億部,今年我們中國已經超過美國,成為汽車消費大國,如果按照這個速度發展下去,這個能源是不夠用的了,所以這個行業發展越快的話,所以就需要新能源的汽車來解決這個問題,你要買車、用車和資源約束的矛盾,所以必須要解決新能源汽車。對於舊經濟而言,是一個衰退的狀況,但是對於新經濟的話,它的發展和空間都是非常大的。現在的新能源汽車分為三個增長層次,有汽車、動力電池,還有動力電池材料,這個方面我們認為會發生一場革命,現在新能源產業的核心就是這個電池,風電必須儲能,核點不穩定,電網也是這樣需要電池,電池是各種新能源儲能的工具,所以被稱為第四次工業革命。

G. 關於對電動汽車看法的150字英語作文

There is now more of said electric car refers to a pure electric car, which is a single energy storage batteries as a power source for vehicles. It uses batteries as energy storage power source to provide power through the battery to the motor, drive motor running to drive the car forward. From the appearance point of view, the electric car and the daily car and did not see any difference, the main difference between the power source and the drive system. That pure electric vehicle motor of a traditional car engine, battery equivalent to the original tank. Electric car from the chassis, body, battery, motor, controller and battery auxiliary facilities of six parts. Since the motor has good traction characteristics, and therefore does not require a battery vehicle driveline clutch and transmission. Speed is controlled by the controller changes the speed of the motor speed control system can be achieved by conventional cars because of the relatively small impact on the environment, the outlook is widely optimistic, but
The current technology is not yet mature.
目前人們所說的電動汽車多是指純電動汽車,即是一種採用單一蓄電池作為儲能動力源的汽車。它利用蓄電池作為儲能動力源,通過電池向電機提供電能,驅動電動機運轉,從而推動汽車前進。從外形上看,電動汽車與日常見到的汽車並沒有什麼區別,區別主要在於動力源及其驅動系統。即純電動汽車的電動機相當於傳統汽車的發動機,蓄電池相當於原來的油箱。 電動汽車由底盤、車身、蓄電池組、電動機、控制器和輔助設施蓄電池六部分組成。由於電動機具有良好的牽引特性,因此蓄電池汽車的傳動系統不需要離合器和變速器。車速控制由控制器通過調速系統改變電動機的轉速即可實現由於對環境影響相對傳統汽車較小,其前景被廣泛看好,但

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