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汽車專業英語 汽車專業英語詞彙 汽車專業英語詞彙大全
中文 English
輪椅升降機 wheel chair lift
圖例 legend
工位 station
吊運裝置 overhead hoist
更衣室 restroom
1號廠房工藝布置方案圖 proposal of the Plant I layout
合籠 mate
底盤平移台 chassis shuttle
車輛轉移台 bus transfer
前圍角板 front wall angle cover
後圍側板 rear wall side cover
保險杠 bumper
三類底盤 three type chassis
左側圍應力蒙皮 R/S stretching skin (road side)
中塗 floating coat
拼裝台 collector
切割輪口 wheel -arch cutting
內飾 trim
線束 harness
返工 re-doing
輪罩護板 wheel house
發車前准備 pre-delivery
舉升 hoist
小批量產品 be pilot
2 套 two kits
配電站 power transformer substation
裙板 skirt
發動機托架 engine holding frame
診斷報警系統 diagnosis and alarming system
互換性 interchangeability
縮微圖紙 microfiche files
總裝 final assembly
磷化 phosphating
儀錶板 dash board
切齊 trimming
結構完整性 structure integrity
自動癒合的防腐材料 self-healing corrosion preventative material
長途客車 inter-city bus
改裝廠 refitting factory
遮陽板 sun visor
隨車工具 tool box
鋼化玻璃 toughened grass
異形鋼管 special steel pipe
全天候空調系統 full range A/C
強制通風 ram-air ventilation
停機時間 downtime
無公害柴油 clean diesel
寬敞懸臂式座椅 roomy cantilevered seat
防滑地板 no-skid floor
織物紋里鋁合金 textured aluminum extrution
爬坡能力 grade ability
排水閥 drain valve
除濕器 moisture ejector
怠速時 at idle
琴式驅動橋 banjo type drive axle
通風口 ct
恆溫控制 thermostatic control
平衡水箱 surge tank
變光開關 simmer switch
消音器 muffler
防破壞 vandal resistant
聚碳化透鏡 poly-carbonate len
鍍鋅板 galvanized plate
搭接 lap
亮麗的外表 smart apperance
隱藏式固定 concealed fastening
水窪 ponding
發動機中置式客車 bus with under floor engine
組合式客車車身 molar bus body
薄殼式結構 shell construction
襯墊 pad
空氣導流板 air deflector
擱梁 shelf beam
腰梁 waist rail
梭梁 stabilizing beam
腰帶式安全帶 diagonal safety belt
壓條 trim strip
嵌條 insertion strip
翼板 fender
斜撐 bracing piece
轉向盤回正性試驗 test of steering wheel returnability
轉向盤轉角脈沖試驗 steering wheel impulse input test
轉向盤轉角階躍輸入試驗 steering wheel step input or transient state yaw response test
極限側向加速度試驗 limiting lateral acceleration test
汽車平順性隨機輸入行駛試驗 automobile ride random input running test
汽車平順性單脈沖輸入行駛試驗 automobile ride single pulse input running test
汽車懸掛系統固有頻率與阻尼比的測定試驗 measurement of natural frequency and damping raito of suspension
功率突然變化影響試驗 test of effect of sudden power change
收油門後控制試驗 test of control at breakway
橫風穩定性試驗 test of crosswind stability
反沖試驗 kick-back test
輪胎爆破響應時間試驗 test of burst response of tyre
繞過障礙物試驗 obstacle avoidance test
移線試驗 lane change test
J型轉彎試驗 test of J turn
頻率響應時間試驗 frequency response test
瞬態響應時間試驗 transient response test
階路響應時間試驗 step response test
脈沖響應試驗 pulse response test
靜態操舵力試驗 static steering effort test
懸架舉升試驗 jack-up test of suspension
耐翻傾試驗 test of overturning immunity
輪輞錯動試驗 rim slip test
風洞試驗 wind tunnel test
制動穩定性試驗 test of braking stability
最小轉彎直徑試驗 minimum turning diameter test
操舵力試驗 steering effort test
類型 type
發動機 engine
內燃機 intenal combusiton engine
動力機裝置 power unit
汽油機 gasoline engine
汽油噴射式汽油機 gasoline-injection engine
火花點火式發動機 spark ignition engine
壓燃式發動機 compression ignition engine
往復式內燃機 reciprocating internal combustion engine
化油器式發動機 carburetor engine
柴油機 diesel engine
轉子發動機 rotary engine
旋輪線轉子發動機 rotary trochoidal engine
二沖程發動機 two-stroke engine
四沖程發動機 four-stroke engine
直接噴射式柴油機 direct injection engine
間接噴射式柴油機 indirect injection engine
增壓式發動機 supercharged engine
風冷式發動機 air-cooled engine
油冷式發動機 oil-cooled engine
水冷式發動機 water-cooled engine
自然進氣式發動機 naturally aspirated engine
煤氣機 gas engine
液化石油氣發動機 liquified petroleum gas engine
柴油煤氣機 diesel gas engine
多種燃料發動機 multifuel engine
石油發動機 hydrocarbon engine
雙燃料發動機 el fuel engine
熱球式發動機 hot bulb engine
多氣缸發動機 multiple cylinder engine
對置活塞發動機 opposed piston engine
對置氣缸式發動機 opposed-cylinder engine
十字頭型發動機 cross head engine
直列式發動機 in-line engine
星型發動機 radial engine
筒狀活塞發動機 trunk-piston engine
斯特林發動機 stirling engine
套閥式發動機 knight engine
氣孔掃氣式發動機 port-scavenged engine
傾斜式發動機 slant engine
前置式發動機 front-engine
後置式發動機 rear-engine
中置式發動機 central engine
左側發動機 left-hand engine
右側發動機 right-hand engine
短沖程發動機 oversquare engine
長沖程發動機 undersquare engine
等徑程發動機 square engine
頂置凸輪軸發動機 overhead camshaft engine
雙頂置凸輪軸發動機 al overhead camshaft engine
V形發動機 V-engine
頂置氣門發動機 valve in-head engine
側置氣門發動機 side valve engine
無氣門發動機 valveless engine
多氣門發動機 multi-valve engine
卧式發動機 horizontal engine
斜置式發動機 inclined engine
立式發動機 vertical engine
W形發動機 w-engine
I形發動機 I-engine
L形發動機 L-engine
F形發動機 F-engine
性能 performance
二沖程循環 two-stroke cycle
四沖程循環 four-stroke cycle
狄塞爾循環 diesel cycle
奧托循環 otto cycle
混合循環 mixed cycle
定容循環 constant volume cycle
工作循環 working cycle
等壓循環 constant pressure cycle
理想循環 ideal cycle
熱力循環 thermodynamic cycle
沖程 stroke
活塞行程 piston stroke
長行程 long stroke
上行程 up stroke
下行程 down stroke
進氣行程 intake stroke
充氣行程 charging stroke
壓縮行程 compression stroke
爆炸行程 explosion stroke
膨脹行程 expansion stroke
動力行程 power stroke
排氣行程 exhaust stroke
膨脹換氣行程 expansion-exchange stroke
換氣壓縮行程 exchange-compression stroke
止點 dead center
上止點 top dead center(upper dead center)
下止點 lower dead center(bottom dead center)
上止點前 budc(before upper dead center)
上止點後 atdc(after top dead cetner)
下止點前 bbdc(before bottom dead center)
下止點後 abdc(after bottom dead center)
缸徑 cylinder bore
缸徑與行程 bore and stroke
空氣室 energy chamber
氣缸余隙容積 cylinder clearance volume
燃燒室容積 combustion chamber volume
氣缸最大容積 maximum cylinder volume
壓縮室 compression chamber
排氣量 displacement
發動機排量 engine displacement
活塞排量 piston swept volume
氣缸容量 cylinder capacity
單室容量 single-chamber capacity
容積法 volumetry
壓縮比 compression ratio
臨界壓縮比 critical compression ratio
膨脹比 expansion ratio
面容比 surface to volume ratio
行程缸徑比 stroke-bore ratio
混合比 mixture ratio
壓縮壓力 compression pressure
制動平均有效壓力 brake mean effective pressure(bmep)
空燃比 air fuel ratio
燃空比 fuel air ratio
燃料當量比 fuel equivalence ratio
扭矩 torque
單缸功率 power per cylinder
升功率 power per liter
升扭矩 torque per liter
升質量 mass per liter
減額功率 derating power
輸出馬力 shaft horsepower
馬力小時,馬力時 horsepower-hour
總馬力 gross horse power
總功率 gross power
凈功率 net power
燃油消耗量 fuel consumption
比燃料消耗率 specific fuel consumption
空氣消耗率 air consumption
機油消耗量 oil consumption
有效馬力 net horse power
額定馬力 rated horse power
馬力重量系數 horsepower-weight factor
制動功率 brake horse power
制動熱效率 brake thermal efficiency
總效率 overall efficiency
排煙極限功率 smoke limiting horsepower
功率曲線 power curve
機械損失 mechanical loss
機械效率 mechanical efficiency
有效熱效率 effective thermal efficiency
充氣系數 volumetric efficiency
過量空氣系數 coefficient of excess air
適應性系數 adaptive coefficient
扭矩適應性系數 coefficient of torque adaptibility
轉速適應性系數 speed adaptive coefficient
強化系數 coefficient of intensification
校正系數 correction factor
換算系數 conversion factor
活塞平均速度 mean piston speed
發動機轉速 engine speed (rotational frequency)
怠速轉速 idling speed
經濟轉速 economic speed
起動轉速 starting speed
最低穩定工作轉速 lowest continuous speed with load
最大扭矩轉速 speed at maximum torque
最高空轉轉速 maximum no load governed speed
調速 speed governing
超速 overspeed
怠速 idling
轉速波動率 speed fluctuation rate
工況 working condition(operating mode)
額定工況 declared working condition
變工況 variable working condition
穩定工況 steady working condition
空載 no-load
全負荷 full load
超負荷 overload
部分負荷 part load
充量(進氣) charge
旋轉方向 direction of rotation
順時針 clockwise
逆時針 counter-clockwise
左轉 left-hand rotation
右轉 right-hand rotation
外徑 major diameter
中徑 pitch diameter
內徑 minor diameter
徑向間隙 radial clearance
發動機性能 engine performance
載入性能 loading performance
起動性能 starting performance
加速性能 acceleration performance
動力性能 power performance
排放性能 emission performance
空轉特性 no load characteristics
負荷特性 part throttle characteristics
調速特性 governor control characteristics
萬有特性 mapping characteristics
穩定調速率 steady state speed governing rate
氣缸體和氣缸蓋 cylinder block and head
氣缸體 cylinder block
整體鑄造 cast inblock (cast enblock)
發動機罩 engine bonnet
氣缸體加強筋 engine block stiffening rib
氣缸 cylinder
(轉子機)缸體 stator
缸徑 cylinder bore
氣缸體機架 cylinder block frame
氣缸蓋 cylinder head
配氣機構箱 valve mechanism casing
氣缸體隔片 cylinder spacer
氣缸蓋密封環 cylinder head ring gasket
氣缸蓋墊片 cylinder head gasket
氣缸套 cylinder liner(cylinder sleeve)
乾式缸套 dry cylinder liner
濕式缸套 wet cylinder liner
氣缸水套 water jacket
膨脹塞 expansion plug
防凍塞 freeze plug
氣缸壁 cylinder wall
環脊 ring ridge
排氣口 exhaust port
中間隔板 intermediate bottum
導板 guideway
創成半徑(轉子機) generating radius
缸體寬度(轉子機) operating width
機柱 column
燃燒室 combustion chamber
主燃燒室 main combustion chamber
副燃燒室 subsidiary combustion chamber
預燃室 prechamber
渦流燃燒室` swirl combustion chamber
分開式燃燒室 divided combustion chamber
渦流式燃燒室 turbulence combustion chamber
半球形燃燒室 hemispherical combustion chamber
浴盆形燃燒室 bathtub section combustion chamber
L形燃燒室 L-combustion chamber
楔形燃燒室 wedge-section combustion chamber
開式燃燒室 open combustion chamber
封閉噴射室 closed spray chamber
活塞頂內燃燒室 piston chamber
爆發室 explosion chamber
燃燒室容積比 volume ratio of combustion cahmber
燃燒室口徑比 surface-volume ratio of combustion chamber
通道面積比 area ratio of combustion chamber passage
曲軸箱通氣口 crankcase breather
凸輪軸軸承座 camshaft bearing bush seat
定時齒輪室罩 camshaft drive(gear)cover
曲軸箱檢查孔蓋 crankcase door
B. BEC商務考試熱詞:新能源汽車英語怎麼說
new-energy vehicles。讀法:[njuː][ˈenədʒi][ˈviːɪklz]。
1、新能源 ,英文:new energy
The manager listened carefully to Edison's plan and admired him for his energy and enthusiasm.
She is blessed with immense talent and boundless energy.
He didn't know how to blow off his superfluous energy.
Since you are going to fight a hard battle, now you should conserve your strength and store up your energy.
I didn't have the energy to disagree with her.
C. 純電動汽車和混合動力車概括為什麼英文名稱是
1.純電動汽車:Blade Electric Vehicles。
2.混合動力車:Hybrid Electrical Vehicle。
1.純電動汽車(Blade Electric Vehicles ,簡稱BEV),即是一種採用單一蓄電池作為儲能動力源的汽車。它利用蓄電池作為儲能動力源,通過電池向電機提供電能,驅動電動機運轉,從而推動汽車前進。從外形上看,電動汽車與日常見到的汽車並沒有什麼區別,區別主要在於動力源及其驅動系統。即純電動汽車的電動機相當於傳統汽車的發動機,蓄電池相當於原來的油箱。
2.混合動力汽車(Hybrid Electrical Vehicle,簡稱HEV) 是指同時裝備兩種動力來源——熱動力源(由傳統的汽油機或者柴油機產生)與電動力源(電池與電動機)的汽車。通過在混合動力汽車上使用電機,使得動力系統可以按照整車的實際運行工況要求靈活調控,而發動機保持在綜合性能最佳的區域內工作,從而降低油耗與排放。
D. 電動車用英語怎麼說英文單詞說法
2.Electric vehicle
混合電動車 Hybrid Electric Vehicle
中國電動車協會 Chinese Electric Car Association
電動車充電器 Electronic Car Charger
智能電動車 intelligent electric vehicle
1. Fans of electric cars say they are clean, quiet and economical.
2. Cars are prohibited, so transportation is by electric cart or by horse and buggy.
3. A man was trying to build an electric motorcar.
4. Series proct and so on electric car numerical code security installment.
5. Who said that electric cars had to sound like a food processor?
6. And as batteries improve, all - electric vehicles will become more feasible.
而且,隨著電池技術的改進, 全電型電動車將成為可能.
7. Solar rooftop electric power and plug - in Electric cars for Energy Independence now.
目前,太陽能屋頂電源和 插入式 電動車能源是獨立分開的系統.
8. WSJ: Is there commercial demand for an electric vehicle?
《華爾街日報》: 市場對電動車有沒有需求?
9. An electric car that is, actually, kind of cool?
電動車是, 實際上, 種很酷?
10. We have a huge market, but no offer as an instry.
電動車市場需求很大, 但是還沒有產業化的生產.
11. Behind the scenes , BYD kept fine - tuning its electric cars.
12. Lastly, is an electric car set to rival the BMW 1 - series.
最後, 是一個電動車將競爭對手的寶馬1系.
13. EV is becoming the attention focus for government of all the world.
14. And proposed the Games car's beauty lies in its concordance.
15. Electric cars were always environmentally friendly, quiet, clean, but definitely not sexy.
電動車對環境無害 、 無噪音 、 無污染, 但就是不太好看.
1. In 1882, London's first electric tram cars went into service.
2. He took a northbound trolley on State Street.
3. The conctor blew his whistle, and the tram stopped.
售票員吹哨子, 電車停了下來.
4. This place is close and convenient to the street - car.
5. Tramcars ran throughout the night on New Year's Eve.
有軌電車 除夕 通宵行駛.
6. Cars and trolleys filled the street.
7. The tramway fell into disuse in the 1920 s.
8. They replaced trams by buses.
9. He is a dispatcher at the trolleybus company.
10. The tramdriver clanged his bell.
11. Trams in London have been supplanted by buses.
12. You can get to the beach easily from the centre of town by tram.
13. The cheapest way of doing a tour of the city is to take a streetcar.
在城市裡觀光最經濟的 方法 是乘有軌電車.
14. He economized by using trams instead of taking a taxi every time he went to school.
15. Along the routes of certain tracks not a car was running.
E. 「電動汽車」英語怎麼說
電動汽車 : electromobile; electric automobile
F. 新能源汽車英語是什麼
新能源汽車英語是new enegry vehicle。
G. "純電動汽車" 英文術語怎麼寫
如果一般地說「電動汽車」,可以說electric vehicle/car
但如果強調是「純電動汽車」,則可以說 a hundred-percent/100% electrically powered vehicle/car
H. 電動車英語是什麼
glass fiber electromobile 玻璃纖維電動車
electromobile tire 電瓶車輪胎
electric automobile electromobile 電動汽車
The bag is convenient to use and is suitable to be used to carry things
when coming out and in an autobike, an electromobile and a foldable bicycle.
英 [ɪˈlektrəʊ] 美 [ɪˈlektroʊ]
n. 電鍍物品
vt. 電鍍
electro-optic effect電光效應 ; 電 ; 光效應 ; 光電效應
Electro-slag remelting電渣重熔
Electro Master電擊使 ; 電路工程師
I. ev是什麼意思